Page 39 of Obsessed

"Three?" Liz is standing at the entrance to the hallway, the wine glass in broken shreds by her feet. "Three?"

"That's right," I snap. "He slept with three other women right before our wedding."

Mark's face turns white. "Lizzie, what are you doing here?"

"Three?" she repeats, her body beginning to shake from sobs. "You said it was only me, Mark."

"I didn't love them." Mark rushes across the room.

I stare at them both, bitter realization washing over and through me.

"You bastard," she screams at him, her fists pounding into his chest. "Who were they?"

" both..."I stumble to steady myself against the table. "You and Mark?"

"You weren't supposed to find out like this." Liz's voice is barely more than a whimper.

"How long?" I shake with anger. "When...when did it start?"

They both stand in silence staring at me.

I rush towards them. "When did you start sleeping with him?"

"It's been on and off for years." Mark moves to block me from reaching her. "It started about a year after we met. It was when you went to Baltimore for your aunt's funeral."

I mentally push myself back to that day. It had to have been more than two years ago, maybe three.

"Liz came over to keep me company," he pauses drawing a heavy breath, "before you know it we were in the bedroom."

"My bedroom? My bed?" I feel nauseous.

"Oh God," Liz gasps.

"When did it stop?" My gaze is still locked on Liz, who is glaring at Mark.

"It hasn't," she whispers. "I was with him when you called earlier. I went to the broker's open house."

I feel my body go numb. I can hear the words but they don't make sense.

"Why?" I barely can hear my own voice.

"I love him," she wails.

"All this time you've been lying." I scream at her. "Was it you? Were you the one he meant to send that email to?" My head is spinning. I'm assaulted with memories of all the times I talked to her about Mark. She was there when I donated my wedding dress and watched as I shredded all the invita

tions and reception place cards. She had been my rock and sole support when all my dreams had come crashing down.

"What email?" She's livid again.

"That's how I found out he was a cheating bastard." I glare at Mark. "He mistakenly sent me an email saying he was ready in his hotel room one night when he was in Chicago."

She shakes her head violently, letting out a blood curdling scream. "No! I was here when he was there."

"It didn't mean anything." Mark reaches to touch her arm.

She slaps it away before turning her attention to me. "Why didn't you tell me there were others? Why?"

"You've got to be kidding." I seethe.