Page 29 of Obsessed

"I don't think you should."

"I don't like talking to him. I know you understand what I mean."

"I do," Liz puts her dish down on the small table next to the chair she's sitting in. "It's been over a week now. It might be important. I can take it and have someone get it to him."

"That's sweet." I smile at her. "But I'll take care of it."

"Do you want some coffee?"

"Coffee would be good." I stand to follow her into the kitchen. "Do you want me to sing your artistic attributes to Brighton if he agrees to go with me to Madeline's?"

"Pretty please, yes." A huge grin takes over her face. "I can't believe he's still undecided."

"He's an artist," I tease. "You know how they can be."

"Funny." She pushes a hot cup of coffee towards me. "Now tell me what you're going to wear to make Jax seethe with jealousy."

I laugh. "His brother on my arm?"

"The perfect accessory." She winks at me before pouring cream into her mug.


"I was so delighted when you called." Brighton smiles as I step out of the elevator into his apartment.

"Thank you for seeing me," I reply as he reaches for my hand to bring to his lips which I've now realized is his signature move.

"You said you had a favor to ask?" He leads me into the main room, motioning for me to sit on a leather couch.

"I do, yes." I sit down, carefully adjusting my red pencil skirt to ensure its covering everything I want it to cover.

"Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea, or something stronger?"

"I'm fine, but thank you."

He settles in close to me.

I shift slightly hoping to gain some space. "Your brother has become a partner in Veray Jewellers. As you already know, they commission my work. "

"Oh, yes. He said something about that a few weeks ago."

I study his face and it dawns on me that he looks much more like Jax than I first realized. "Yes, well, there's an event on Thursday evening to welcome him into the business. I was wondering if you'd like to go...go...with me?"

He sighs and I panic just a bit. "I was wondering when you would get around to asking me?"

I stare at him, certain that my mouth is open. "What do you mean?"

"Jax called me after you two had lunch and gave me a lecture on the reasons why I shouldn't go with you."

I'm shocked given the fact that our lunch was yesterday. "I'm sorry. I should have called and asked sooner."

"You didn't think Jax would get in touch with me that quickly?"

I shake my head from side-to-side.

"My brother is obsessed with you, Ivy." His gaze darkens as he continues, "you have no idea the lengths he has gone to."

"The lengths?"