“Time slips by in the blink of an eye.” He winks at me. “How’s Katie been?”

Supportive. I’d bet my last dollar that she’s also confused and concerned.

I need to see her. I have to explain where things stand with Kristin.

“Beautiful.” I smile at him.

“Bring her around.” He crosses his legs. The hem of his pants slides up, revealing a brown sock with holes.

His shoes look to be about a size nine.

I store that to memory so I can pick up a raincoat and socks. A sun hat wouldn’t hurt on mornings like this.

“You’ll be here tomorrow?” I ask as I push to stand.

“If that’s God’s plan you’ll find me here.” He gazes out over the water. “Whatever is troubling you, look to Katie for the answer.”

“Who says I’m troubled?”

He looks up into my face. “It’s not just words that tell a story, Gage. Your eyes give you away.”

I shove a hand at him. “You’re the wisest man I’ve ever know, Gus.”

He takes my hand in both of his. “You’re the kindest I’ve ever met so I’d say we’re even.”


I watch through the glass window at the front of Katie Rose Bridal as Katie consoles Annalise.

I’m not shocked that she’s back with her wedding gown in her hands. I am surprised that she’s here this early. The store doesn’t open for another twenty minutes.

Some might say it’s my fault that Annalise is facing the end of her engagement, but I did what needed to be done.

I called Myles when I was in Los Angeles, and we talked.

I reminded him about my mistakes with Katie and the loss that I carried with me for years.

He brushed it off, telling me that his situation is different than mine.

I pulled out the big guns and brought up the bachelor party.

I asked him to consider Annalise in this and whether it was fair to marry her if he still loved Karen.

He told me to mind my own fucking business.

Katie glances at the windows, her gaze catching on me. She looks beautiful in the white dress she’s wearing. Her hair is pulled up into a high ponytail.

I give the handle on the door a tug. It’s unlocked so I walk in.

“That’s a great idea, Kate. I’ll donate the gown today. I love the idea of someone else having a chance to wear it,” Annalise says before she looks in my direction. “Gage?”

“Annalise,” I answer back.

She drops the gown and rushes at me, launching into my arms. “Thank you. Thank you a million times over.”

I step back to study her face. “Thank you?”

She glances back at the crumpled dress on the floor. “I knew that he didn’t love me, but I got so caught up in the idea of the big wedding, the gown, some kids in the future… all of it.”