“You kissed him.” She mouths in silence.

I nod. “He was just leaving.”

“Oh my God,” she whispers. “You kissed him again.”

I hear Gage’s footsteps as he approaches us from behind. His hand darts past me, brushing my shoulder. “It’s good to meet you, Tilly.”

“It’s my pleasure, Gage.” She scoops his hand in hers.

“I’ll leave you two alone.”

Tilly jerks his hand closer to her. “You’re not going anywhere. I brought enough gelato for all of us. I’ll get the bowls and the spoons. You two have a seat. Right over there on the sofa; right next to each other.”


“Do you have condoms?” Tilly whispers to me as we load the bowls and spoons in the dishwasher.

“I have something better.” I toss my hair over my shoulder. “I have an annoying best friend. A well-meaning best friend, but she’s super annoying right now.”

A broad smile takes over her mouth. “I kept him here, didn’t I?”

“He should be at home,” I point out as I glance over to where Gage is still sitting on the sofa.

He’s spent the last hour listening to Tilly talk about all of the furry patients she took care of today.

His gaze kept catching on mine. Part of me was glad he stayed, but the other part wanted him gone so I could talk freely and openly with Tilly about what almost happened earlier.

I would have had sex with Gage if she hadn’t shown up.

I know it.

I have zero doubt about that.

“Think of it this way, Kate.” Tilly wraps an arm around my shoulder. “You got the kiss out of the way and it was a relief. Just imagine how much better you’ll feel once you fuck him.”

I shush her with a finger over her lips. “You did not just say that.”

She pushes my finger away. “The sexual tension in here almost melted the gelato. It’s hot, hot, hot.”

“It’s not,” I argue.

“Take him to bed with you.” She gestures down the hallway. “What harm can come from it?”

I’ll fall back in love with him.

I’m already halfway there; maybe more than halfway.

“You don’t want to get hurt.” She tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “I know that’s holding you back, but you’re not the same girl he dumped. You’re a kick-ass woman who can handle her emotions.”

“Am I?” I question with a laugh.

“You’re attracted to him, aren’t you?”

I look over to where Gage is sitting. He’s thumbing through a bridal magazine that I brought home from work for research.

He’s gorgeous. The martinis are out of my system, and I still want him just as badly as I did when he walked into my apartment tonight.

“He’s good-looking.”