“You’re not,” I snap back with a smile.

“I am.” She pushes back from the table. “You don’t know what makes me happy anymore, Gage.”

“I make you happy.”

She shakes her head. “You haven’t in a very long time. What we had is over. It’s been over for years. You get that, right?”

“It’s not over,” I say confidentially. “I’m still crazy about you. You’re still just as wild about me.”

“This is ridiculous.” She shoulders her purse. “We haven’t seen each other in five years. There’s nothing left between us.”

“Prove it.”

That takes her to her feet. “Prove it? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

I’m out of my chair too and in front of her before she realizes what’s happening. “Kiss me.”

Her gaze drops to my lips. “You’re insane.”

“Kiss me and prove that there’s nothing left between us.”

“I am not kissing you,” she hisses out between her cherry red lips.

“Kiss me,” I demand again as I take a step closer.

Her breath gusts over my chin. “No.”

My hands move to her upper arms. I feel the warmth of her skin as her eyelids flutter shut.

When she opens them, her gaze is pinned to my mouth. “I don’t want to kiss you.”

“You do.”

The corners of her lips curve up. “I don’t.”

I slide one hand up her neck until I’m cradling the back of it. “Kiss me, Katie. If you feel nothing, I swear to God I’ll leave you alone.”

Her tongue darts over her bottom lip before she bunches the front of my dress shirt into her right fist, yanks me forward and crashes her sweet mouth into mine.

Chapter 26


How the hell can his kiss still do things to me?

I part my lips when his tongue brushes against them. He groans into my mouth exactly the way he used to.

My knees don’t stand a chance.

I stumble toward him with the front of his shirt bunched in one fist, and my other hand snaking its way through his hair.

My common sense is telling me to stop, but every other part of my body is begging me to keep going.

His hand tightens its grip on my neck while the other inches down my back toward my ass.

If he touches it, I’ll be lost to this.

Our kiss breaks when I draw up the strength to pull back.