She nods. “Summer will be perfect, love.”

“We’ll invite your family and mine. Gus and Natalie. Zeke and Callie.” I kiss her softly. “Kristin will be my best person. Tilly and Olivia will fight over who is the matron of honor.”

She laughs. “They’ll both be matron of honor.”

“Arleth will be the flower girl.”

Her eyes lock on mine. “Someone else will be there.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat. I can finally celebrate the fact that I’m going to be a father again.


She casts her eyes down. “I know that you know who.”

I tilt her chin back up with a touch of my finger. “I want you to say it and I want you to understand that I know why you’ve waited to tell me.”

She bites her bottom lip. “Our baby, Gage. Our beautiful little baby

will be there too.”

“Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl, Katie?”

She points at a plain white envelope on the dining room table next to the vase of yellow roses I brought home for her yesterday. “I picked that up today. It will tell us if it’s a boy or girl. I wanted you to open it.”

I march across the room with shaking hands and pick up the envelope. “You didn’t peek?”

“I went for a sonogram this morning to make sure everything was okay.” She pats her stomach. “I’m almost fourteen weeks now. They could tell the gender of our baby.”

I rip the fucking thing open and yank out the folded piece of paper.

I knew this day would come when we agreed that she’d stop birth control. I admit I was disappointed when she didn’t get pregnant the first month we tried. Jesus, did we try.

We haven’t talked about it since, agreeing to let nature take its course.

“I don’t give a shit if it’s a boy or a girl.” I turn to face her. “If it’s healthy that’s all I care about.”

“It’s your child.” She kisses me. “It’s going to be healthy, and strong, and wise. It’s going to have a kind heart and I hope it has your beautiful green eyes.”

I look down at the paper. “Are you ready?”

“Ready.” She gives me a brisk nod.

I unfold the paper, slowly and with purpose. I read the text; my eyes clouded with tears that reach beyond pure happiness.

“It’s a boy.”

“Our baby boy.” She launches herself into my arms. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

I can’t wait either. Hell, I can’t wait for every tomorrow.

Fate put Katie Wesley in my path eight years ago. Love will keep me by her side today and forevermore.

Preview of Versus

A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers Romance

I chose the woman I brought home with me last night for one reason and one reason only.