His lips brush mine. “I should have been with you. I could have taken care of you after. You were all alone?”

I nod.

“I can’t fucking believe you went through this by yourself.” He holds me against his chest. “You needed me. I should have never left your side.”

Chapter 52


Katie has been fast asleep since I tucked her into her bed.

Seven or eight hours have passed since I brought her home from the boutique after telling Natalie that she needed to cover for Katie today.

I’ve been next to the woman I love, watching her sleep while I think about the hell she went through.

I can’t be angry that she didn’t tell me she was pregnant with my child. All I feel is compassion.

I left her. I didn’t tell her why so when she found out she was expecting a baby, her emotions must have been twisted into such a tangled knot that she couldn’t unwind them.

She was expecting my child.

I shake the thought away with a heavy exhale.

“Gage,” she whispers, her eyes still closed. “Are you here?”

I lean forward on my forearm so I can press a kiss to her mouth. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Her hand snakes behind my head to twist in my hair. She kisses me. This time it’s soft with parted lips. “There’s something else I need to tell you.”

“Open your eyes,” I whisper against her mouth.

“I’m scared to.”

I manage a small laugh. “Tell me every secret that’s inside of you. I want to know them all.”

“I only have one more,” she says, her eyes still shut tight.

“Open your eyes and tell me.”

Her eyelids flutter, revealing those two beautiful hazel eyes.

“The secret, Katie. I want to know.”

I pray to God it’s not as earth shattering as the one she told me this morning. I’m still processing that. It’s going to take days, if not weeks, for me to wrap my mind around the fact that she was pregnant.

Her hand slides to my cheek. “I love you.”

I’ve waited five years for that priceless gift. “I love you too.”

“You’ll tell me about Kristin.” Her eyes search mine. “Tell me everything.”

“You need to sleep more.” I run my hand over her forehead. “Sleep. I’ll make us dinner and then we’ll talk.”

“Just another five minutes,” she says, snuggling into my neck.

I’ll take it.

I’m due back in California the day after tomorrow to sign the new custody agreement. I won’t leave Katie, but I can’t miss my chance to have unrestricted access to my daughter.