Page 99 of Bloom

I set off to shut off the lights when a light knock at the door stops me in place.

Fear buckles through me.

I want it to be Liam as much as I don’t want it to be.

I don’t even know what I’d say to him at this point.

Another knock turns me around because I can’t ignore it.

The man standing on the other side of the door is tall with black hair.

I inch closer and point at my watch, signaling to him that the store is closed for the day.

He points at the handle and tugs at it.

I shake my head and mouth the words, “ we’re closed .”

His hand disappears inside his suit jacket, and for the briefest of moments, I wonder if he’s about to rob me.

Something gold flashes in the air, but it’s not a weapon.

It’s a police badge.

I take a step closer to the door.

He raps his fist against it harder. “Open the door.”

I do as he asks. I rush the rest of the distance to the door and flip the lock open.

He’s yanked the door open before I have a chance to give it a push.

“Are you Athena?” He brushes past me. “You’re Athena, aren’t you?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“Thank Christ.” He pushes a hand through his hair. “We’ve been trying to find you for days.”

I study his face and his bright blue eyes. Why does he look familiar to me?

“You’ve been trying to find me?”

“It’s Liam.” His voice cracks. “Something happened.”

A sudden wave of nausea hits me with so much force that I stumble forward.

The man reaches both hands to steady me. “Are you alright?”

“Liam,” I whisper his name. “Is he alright?”

“I need you to come with me.” He jerks a thumb to a car parked on the street in front of the store. “Get what you need and come with me now.”

I don’t ask another question.

I race to grab my bag and my purse. With shaking hands, I lock the shop’s door and slide into the front seat of the sedan next to the black-haired man.

Once the car starts and he’s pulled out into the street, he glances at me. “I’m Sebastian Wolf. I’m Liam’s brother.”

The question I want to ask is buried beneath the lump in my throat.