Page 97 of Bloom


Hope is a fool’s currency.

I’m holding onto it as though my life depends on it.

I’m in the bathroom at Nova. My family is seated at the table waiting for Liam to arrive.

I held my

breath as I made my way to the restaurant. Holding out hope isn’t easy when your phone doesn’t ring.

Glancing around the vacant washroom, I scroll through my contact list until I find Liam’s number.

I hit dial.

If my past brought me to this point, so be it, but this man needs to know that he’s a coward. He has to know that judging me based on who my parents are is wrong.

I smooth my hand over the skirt of my black dress as his phone rings and rings.

Finally, on the sixth ring, the familiar sound of his voicemail message kicks in.

I listen to the same words I’ve heard countless times the past few days.

Once I hear, “ I’ll get back to you ,” and the tone sounds, I start talking.

“This is the last time you’ll ever hear from me.” I take a breath. “The very last time.”

My gaze drops to the floor as I pause. “I thought you were a decent person. I get that you can’t accept me because of who my parents are, but you could have at the very least said goodbye to me.”

The sound of the bathroom door opening behind me drops my tone. “It’s my birthday. I’m at Nova with my family, and they’re waiting to meet you. Goodbye, Liam. Don’t call me back.”

I end the call with tears threatening to fall.

“Seriously?” A vaguely familiar voice asks from behind me. “You’re that flower girl. Don’t tell me that you were just talking to Liam Wolf?”

It can’t be. Please don’t let it be Wren.

“It’s Athena, right?” Her voice gets louder as she nears me. “Audrey told me that you two hung out with her and Jay. What’s going on with you and Wolf?”

I spin around to answer her honestly. “Nothing.”

Her finger circles the air in front of my face. “You’re about to cry. Is it because of him?”

I don’t answer her. I can’t.

“I heard you say that it’s your birthday.” Her gaze drops to the phone in my hand. “You’re waiting for him, aren’t you? He didn’t show.”

I refuse to give her the satisfaction of knowing that Liam dumped me.

“Listen to me.” She steps closer. “This is what he does. He disappears when you need him. I wanted him to meet my folks when they were in town and he had a session and then another. It was one lame excuse after another until he went radio silent.”

I want to ask her if that’s why she refused the flowers he sent her, but I see the answer in her eyes. I also see anger there and concern.

“Don’t let him do this to you.” She shakes her head. “You’re better than this.”

I watch as she adjusts the neckline of the red dress she’s wearing.

“I’m here tonight with a man who appreciates me.” She smiles. “He’s never stood me up. Don’t you deserve the same?”