Page 74 of Bloom

“Liam,” she whispers my name with her eyes closed. “Am I dreaming?”

The sound of the rain against the window lulled her to sleep after I wrapped a blanket around her.

I stayed awake because life is as beautiful as it is cruel.

I didn’t want to fall in love, yet here I am.

I can deny it all the fuck I want to, but dammit my heart. It’s coming apart in threads of want and need and the only time it feels whole is when I’m looking into Athena’s eyes, or when I hear her voice, or when her hands touch my skin.

“Lilac,” I whisper back with my lips against her pink cheek. “You’re not dreaming.”

“You’re real.” She pops open one eye just a crack. “How can a man like you be real?”

I’m not without my faults, or without my broken and battered pieces.

I’m far from fucking perfect, but if given a chance, I’d do everything in my power to make her life a dream come true.

I close my eyes against the assault of reality that is punching me straight in the gut.

I don’t get to have that with her.

I rest my forehead against the side of her face. “I want to taste you again.”

I feel the curve of her lips as they rise into a smile. “Can I tell you a secret?”

Tell me every single last one of them so I can save them to memory and guard them with my heart.

“Tell me.”

Her eyes stay closed. “I came twice when you had your mouth on me.”

I felt it. I wanted another, but she pushed my head away.

“Do you want to make it three times?” I hear the note of desperation in my question. She has to hear it too. I don’t give a fuck. I want her. Why try and hide that from her?

“I thought maybe…”

I wait, but nothing follows, so I reach for her breast. I give her right nipple a pinch. “Finish, Athena. You thought maybe what?”

Her mouth opens slightly before a jagged exhale escapes her. “I’ve never put my mouth on a man before in that way.”

My dick hardens at the thought of my cock being the first to part those lips. “You want to suck me off.”

Why mince words when we’re talking about her blowing me?

She nods. “I want to try.”

I push back the blanket to expose my throbbing dick. “It’s all yours, lilac.”

When her eyes open, the heat in her gaze pierces through me. “Be patient with me. This is new for me.”

It’s new for me too.

I’m in bed with a woman I’m falling in love with. I’m about to feel her lips circling my cock.

If this isn’t as good as it gets, I don’t know what the hell is.

I suck in a heady breath as she trails her long hair over my chest toward my stomach.