Page 67 of Bloom

My phone chimes, so I dig it out of my pocket just as I’m about to cross the street.

I read the text.

Rhys: Hey! My dad wanted to hang out this afternoon.

That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.

Rhys’s dad has been emotionally spent since his wife died. He hasn’t been there for his son or himself.

Liam: Good to hear.

He responds almost immediately.

Rhys: Give him another week or 2 and I think he’ll be up to meeting you on the court.

I want to do right by Deidre. It was important to her that Gareth work through his pain. This will hopefully help him on that path.

Liam: You name the time and place.

Rhys: I’ll let you know about that but can you fit me in tomorrow? I need to talk something over with you.

I pop open the calendar app on my phone and scroll through my schedule for tomorrow. It’s synced with the office, so whenever Audrey changes anything, I’m up to speed.

Liam: Do you have time at 3 tomorrow?

I cross the street and navigate my way around the late afternoon rush of people cramming the sidewalks.

I glance down when my phone chimes.

Rhys: I’ll be there. Can we talk about a girl? My girl?

My girl.

I read the two words over and over again before I shoot him back a quick response.

Liam: You bet. See you tomorrow at 3.

I stop in place and stare up at Grace Church. I don’t need to ask the heavens above what I should do.

I turn and head back in the direction I just came. I want Athena, and if I have to go through the guy in the suit to get her, I will.

Chapter 34


My afternoon flew by.

Once I was back at the shop after having lunch with Jeremy, I pitched in to help Leanna finish up our outstanding orders before Al showed up to handle the deliveries and to take his wife home.

A few walk-ins filled my time after that.

Some of the people who live in the neighborhood are becoming regulars. The moment they enter the store, I know what they’ll gravitate toward.

I’ve been adding extra flowers to the bouquets they order. One of the secrets to building my business is creating a foundation of loyal customers.

Word of mouth goes a long way in this city, and if I can create a positive buzz by spoiling a few familiar faces, I’ll do it.

One of those faces is in the store now.