Page 60 of Bloom

“Does your mom ever cook for you, Athena?”

My hand jumps to my neck and the gold locket. Nestled inside are the two pictures of strangers who may or may not be related to me.

I’ve always taken comfort in the idea that they are.

“She was never a good cook.” I sidestep his question. “My brothers and I picked up pointers from watching chefs on TV.”

“So you’re self-taught?” He narrows his gaze. “I bet you’re a great cook.”

“I haven’t had many complaints.”

That statement is true if you don’t count my younger brothers, Zach and Breccan. They thought it was funny to pick apart every aspect of the meals I’d create for them. Deep down, I knew that they appreciated the effort. The three of us weathered a lot of storms together, and when we joined Jeremy’s family, he helped us stay on course through bad times.

“Will you teach me how to cook?”

I can’t tell if he’s teasing or not, so I push for more. “You want me to teach you how to cook?”

“I’m a great student.” He brushes a hand over the shoulder of his T-shirt. “You’ve seen me in action with a bunch of flowers and a vase.”

I scrunch my nose. “I hope you’re better with a spatula than you are with a daisy.”

His face takes on a pained look. With a dart of his hand to the middle of his chest, he lets out a groan. “That hurt. I thought I was working my way closer to a ten.”

“What’s the reward if you make it all the way up to a ten?”

His eyes meet mine. “You naked in my bed for the night.”

I thought that was the plan for tonight, but maybe it’s not in his mind. Disappointment washes over me.

“Unless I’ve already earned a ten in setting the table.” He reaches forward to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s your call, Athena.”

I imagined he’d sweep me off my feet and take me to his bedroom, but if I have to make the decision, I will. “I give your table setting skills a solid ten.”

His finger traces a path over my cheek. “You’re sure?”

I think I am.

Before I can nod, he goes on, “I’ll take things slow. If it gets to be too much, you’ll tell me. Alright?”

He’s sensitive to my needs and fears in a way I’ve never experienced with a man before. The other two men I slept with couldn’t get me into bed fast enough. It was the same pattern when we fucked. Their release mattered to them more than anything I was feeling or what I wanted.

I lock eyes with him. “You’re the most understanding man I’ve ever met.”

His hand trails down my face until it cups the back of my neck. “I want you, lilac, but m

ore than that, I want this to be good for you. I want it to feel right.”

Nothing in my life has felt this right before.

Leaning forward, he presses a soft kiss to my mouth. “I’m going to clear the dishes. Why don’t you head to the bedroom?”

He’s giving me a minute alone to gather myself.

I need it.

“I’ll be waiting for you,” I whisper before I kiss him. “Don’t be long.”

Chapter 30