Page 20 of Bloom

He wants me to deliver flowers to his home?

Holy hell.

I didn’t expect to hear from him again. I thought the dinner was both a thank-you and a good-bye.

“Do you recognize the customer’s name?” Leanna quizzes with a pop of her brows. “Is there something you’d like to tell me?”

Biting my bottom lip, I hold everything in. I can’t tell if I’m more excited than nervous. “He’s placed a couple of orders in the past.”

Leanna studies my face. “There’s more to this story than that.”

Shrugging off her assumption, I point at the laptop screen. “I’ll take care of that order. Why don’t you get started on the one for Hunter Reynolds? He wants something special for his wife, Sadie, for their anniversary.”

“I know what she likes,” she says with confidence.

This is why I love having Leanna here. She has built up long-term relationships with many of the customers who have been coming to the shop for years.

“Tomorrow I expect to hear all the details about your delivery to Mr. Wolf on the Lower East Side.”

I shoot her a look that’s punctuated with a sly grin. “That falls under client and florist confidentiality.”

Pointing a finger at me, she winks. “I knew something was going on. Good for you, Athena. Good for you.”

Maybe at another time, he could be good for me, but I’ve never been a rebound, and I have no intention of stepping into that role now.


Red skinny jeans, a white sweater, my black leather jacket, and my favorite boots. That’s what I’m wearing when I approach the address that Liam noted in his online order.

I considered going home to change my clothes, but I decided against it after looking in the full-length mirror hanging on the back of the door in the cramped office at Wild Lilac.

I smoothed my hair into a tight ponytail. After applying black eyeliner, mascara, and a sheer lip balm, I liked the way I looked.

Once I’m standing in front of the building, I realize that I have to be buzzed in.

Instead of pressing the button with Wolf written next to it, I send Liam a text message.

Athena: I have a floral delivery for you.

It doesn’t take more than a few seconds for his reply to pop up on my phone.

Liam: I’ll buzz you in. Apartment 302.

Swallowing past a lump of uncertainty that’s lodged in my throat, I tug on the curved handle of the door once it buzzes.

Swinging it open, I strut through and head straight across the small lobby to an elevator.

The floors are polished marble in a decorative pattern that might have been popular decades ago. Worn woodwork lines the ceiling and a door labeled custodian is next to the elevator.

This building is full of charm, just like the one I live in.

Drawing in a shaky breath, I step into the elevator once the door slides open.

This is it. I’m about to come face-to-face with the man who has been on my mind for days.

A smile curves my lips as the narrow elevator starts upward with an unsteady lurch and a groan.

Chapter 10