Page 87 of Bloom

Linny had a hand in that.

I’m proud of her, and I’m excited that she invited me along to meet Ivy this morning at her boutique.

“Ivy is going to love those.” Linny touches her fingertips to one of the daisies in my hand. “Daisies are her absolute favorite.”

I asked so I could be sure that I came prepared.

Linny has already mentioned Wild Lilac to Ivy, and she expressed some interest, so I’m here to seal the deal.

I have a navy blue dress on and the butterf

ly earrings that Linny gave me for my birthday a year ago. Ivy is the designer. I cried when I opened the gift-wrap to find the box from Whispers of Grace.

I rarely wear the earrings because I’m terrified that I’ll lose one.

I suck in a deep breath when Linny pulls open the door to the quaint jewelry shop in SoHo.

A petite woman with long blonde hair gazes in our direction. A smile lights up her face. “Linny!”

She races over. The pretty pink dress she’s wearing sways as she walks.

I stand to the side as she throws her arms around Linny. “Can you believe it? We’re going to Hollywood!”

I watch my sister-in-law as she tears up. This is as big a moment for her as it is for Ivy.

They lower their voices as they hold tight to one another. I take a moment to gaze around the shop at the display cases and the pretty jewelry that sits inside.

A tap on my shoulder turns my attention back to Ivy and Linny.

“You have to be Athena.” Ivy looks me over. “You’re just as beautiful as Linny said you’d be.”

I offer the daises to her. “These are for you.”

Her green eyes drop to the flowers in my hand. “They’re beautiful. Daisies are my favorite.”

I smile at Linny. She wiggles her brows and tosses me two thumbs up.

Ivy takes a step closer to me. Her gaze drops from my face to my neck.

“Athena’s arrangements are so unique, Ivy.” Linny starts her pitch. “I know that you pick up flowers now and again to bring into work, but Athena could take care of that for you twice a week.”

Ivy nods, but her eyes are locked on my neck.

“The cost is very reasonable,” Linny goes on even though we decided on the subway ride here that I’d handle the discussion about Wild Lilac. “Athena has a gallery online that you can look through if you’re interested.”

Ivy’s gaze finally travels back up to my face. Her brows knit together.

Linny pushed too hard. Ivy probably thinks the only reason I tagged along this morning was to try and land her as a client. That was part of it, but I wanted to meet her.

She’s accomplished what I want to. She’s taken her passion and built a million-dollar business out of it.

I look down when I feel Ivy’s hand brush against mine.

“That locket is breathtaking. The etched rose on the front is beautiful.” Her voice comes out quiet. “Where did you get that?”

I close my eyes briefly. I can’t tell her that my mom stole it from my father or that the rose gave me inspiration to pursue a career in floral design.

“It was a gift from Athena’s mom,” Linny says. “She gave it to her a long time ago.”