Page 86 of Bloom

I wish to fuck I was the one leaving right now so I could find Athena and wrap her in my arms. All I want to do is protect her.


A two-hour appointment wasn’t what I planned on, but it’s what was needed.

Grief works on its own schedule. Sometimes when a person opens up for the first time about loss, their feelings can’t be shut down.

That’s what I experienced tonight as I sat with the woman who lost her sister on the cruise ship.

She needed to let everything out.

I listened, I advised, but most of all, I applauded her for taking the time to come and see me.

We’ll meet again next week.

She’ll heal. The guilt will linger for as long as it needs to, but she’ll move through this. She’s determined to make the most of the rest of her life in honor of her sister.

I fall into one of the chairs in the waiting room after locking the doors of the Dehaven Center.

Scrolling through my messages, I spot one from Rhys.

Rhys: My dad’s ready to take you on, Wolf. Name the time, and we’ll bring the basketball.

I’ll look through my schedule in the morning to see when I can fit that in. I want it to happen as soon as possible. Deidre made me promise I’d do my best to help her family.

I won’t let her down.

I scroll until I find a string of messages from Athena sent less than an hour ago.

Athena: Did you know that the Statue of Liberty was delivered in over 300 pieces?

I laugh aloud when I read her next message.

Athena: Of course, you know that. You know EVERYTHING about this city.

I tap through to the next message she sent ten minutes later.

Athena: I’m falling asleep. Dream about me tonight, Liam.

I type out a response and press send.

Liam: I do every night, lilac. Sweet dreams.

Chapter 44


Corporate clients are the foundation I’m trying to build on. I have contracts with a bridal shop, several restaurants, and a dental office. Now, I’m working on landing a deal to supply four large arrangements a week to Whispers of Grace.

It’s a jewelry store owned by one of Linny’s long-time clients, Ivy Marlow-Walker.

She’s a designer who has built an empire from the ground up.

Linny loves telling me the story of how Ivy started her business in the spare room of her apartment when she was my age.

That wasn’t that long ago, but now, Ivy is living her dream.

A new collection of her necklaces will be featured in the gift bags for one of the biggest award shows of the season.