Page 70 of Bloom

He studies it carefully before he glances back at me. “That’s your brother?”

I nod. “One of them. He’s the oldest.”

“Your niece is adorable.” He swipes his fingers over the screen of his phone. When he turns it toward me, I’m greeted with a picture of two dark-haired little girls. “These are my nieces. Winter and Reese.”

I steal a fleeting glance, but I don’t want to know about his family. Why show me that when he’s on the precipice of walking out of my life forever?

“I’d say it’s a three-way tie for the cutest niece in the world.” He waves a hand. “I know you’re almost ready to shut down for the day, but can you toss together a couple of bouquets like that for them? Complete with a unicorn in each?”

What’s happening?

How did we go from serious Liam wanting to tell me something to smiling, happy Liam ordering unicorn bouquets for his nieces?

I feel like I’m dangling in the breeze waiting for the next hurricane wind to whip around the corner and knock me on my ass.

I steady my feet on the tile floor and look him straight in the eye. “What did you want to talk about?”

His gaze falls before he levels it back on my face. “We’re having fun, right? Do you like hanging out with me?”

Is that a trick question?

If he’s setting a trap, I’m about to step into the middle of it with both feet. “I’m having a lot of fun. I love hanging out with you.”

Relief softens his stance. Rubbing a hand over his beard, he cracks a wide smile. “Good. I just wanted to check-in and make sure we’re on the same page.”

Doubt tugs at me as I set to work making the bouquets for his nieces. I don’t know what the hell just happened between us, but I’ll take him at his word.

We’re lovers. Nothing more. If I can remember that, I’ll be just fine and my heart will be too.

Chapter 35


Her brother.

The guy in the suit she was cozying up to at Crispy Biscuit yesterday is her brother.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Athena isn’t like the other women I’ve dated. She’s never chased after me or texted me non-stop looking for details about the next time we’ll see each other.

She’s a successful businesswoman who makes time for me.

After she put the bouquets together yesterday, she handed them off to me after running my credit card.

Just as I was about to suggest we go to dinner, she got a phone call about a consultation for a wedding.

I only heard her side of the conversation, but she excitedly told whoever was on the other end of the call that she had time to meet them at Wild Lilac as soon as they could get there.

Her business is her top priority.

I respect that.

Hell, it impresses the fuck out of me.

All I should be looking for is some one-on-one time with her every week. If I can get that, I’ll be a happy man.

I don’t know if she can squeeze dating other men into her schedule. When I look at my future, I don’t see forever with anyone, so I’m in no position to ask her to be exclusive, but I want it.