Page 45 of Bloom

Why did I tell him how many sexual partners I’ve had?

I need to keep my mouth shut.

He brushes his hair away from his forehead. “I wish my past was more like your past.”

Sometimes I wish mine were more like his.

I don’t regret not jumping into bed with more guys in college, but I wish that the men I had sex with were better partners.

More caring and loving, and it would have helped if they knew how to get me off.

“I’ve got a few ex-girlfriends in this city.” He shakes his head. “But that’s what they are. Exes. I don’t want to reconnect with any of them.”

“That’s good to know.”

He taps his palm on the table before he flips his hand over and motions for me to place my hand in his.

I do.

“Give me a chance to be your third, Athena.” He lowers his voice. “It doesn’t have to be tonight or tomorrow. Hell, I’m a patient man, but I want you. I think I’ve made that clear.”

I want you too, Liam.

The words play on my tongue, but they sit there unspoken.

“Here’s a plan.” His eyes meet mine. “I’ll drop by your class on Tuesday, and if I show any improvement in my floral design skills, you’ll hang out

with me.”

“After class?” I ask.

“After class,” he affirms with a nod.

He comes with baggage, but I do too. Mine isn’t in the form of ex-boyfriends, but I still carry it with me always.

I can’t fault him for his past.

Glancing down at my hand nestled in his palm, I nod. “It’s a deal.”

“I need to up my flower game.” He laughs. “Any pointers?”

I shake my head. “What fun is it if I help you cheat? You’re on your own, Liam.”

“I’ll figure it out.” He leans back, still holding tightly to my hand. “There’s no way in hell that I’m going to fuck up my chance for extra time with my teacher.”

Chapter 22


I made it within a block of my apartment before I turned around and headed back to the coffee shop.

I didn’t forget anything. I’m not craving another cup of the bitter brew.

I left after kissing Athena on the forehead and watching her take off down the sidewalk headed home.

The temptation to follow her was strong, but if she wants me at her apartment at some point, she’ll invite me.

I admit I’m surprised that she’s only been with two men. She’s beautiful and sensual in a way that is disarming.