Page 38 of Shame (Ruin 3)

“My fault.” Wes winced and shuddered. “Sorry, Lis. I really didn’t think he’d react that way. He’s usually… more relaxed.”

“The man’s so uptight he probably shits diamonds.” Gabe tilted his head back and laughed.

“And once again, awesome dinner visual,” Wes commented, saluting Gabe. “Thanks, man, for that.”

“I’m a giver.” He winked and bit into the pizza while Saylor scurried to the kitchen to find napkins for everyone.

“So…” Wes looked around the room. “…who has first watch?”

“First watch?” I echoed, following his glance. “What do you mean?”

Kiersten snorted and threw her hands into the air. “You don’t really think we’re letting you stay here by yourself… do you?”

“Guys!” I pleaded, injecting a whine into my voice. “I’m totally fine. Besides, Gabe put up those expensive-looking cameras.” I pointed at the corner of the room. “And I have weapons of mass destruction—”

“Also known as a pink Taser and Mace that she still doesn’t know which direction to point.” Gabe rolled his eyes. “Do continue.”

I stuck out my tongue. “And I won’t have you guys forever.”

The room fell silent. Gabe looked down. Wes’s eyes were sad. Kiersten placed a hand on my arm, and Saylor sighed loudly.

It was something I’d always thought but never really voiced aloud. They had their own lives. I loved them; they were like my family, but it wasn’t healthy, them always protecting me, hanging out with me. They should be doing things with each other, starting families. I don’t know. Just… not babysitting a girl who didn’t even have a steady boyfriend.

Gabe was the first to speak. “Lis—”

“Forget it.” I forced a smile. “I’ll stay tonight by myself and have you guys on speed dial. If I get freaked I’ll pack a bag. Now, let’s eat!”

The room was still filled with tension, but they all ignored it, just like I did. My heart was sad, and, for some reason, I still couldn’t get the fact out of my head that he had stopped by.

To apologize?

Scold me more?

Or… I shook the thought of my head. It couldn’t be for any other reason. That side of our relationship was officially non-existent.

“Hey.” Kiersten nudged me. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” I forced another fake smile. “Totally. Just really tired.”

She wrapped an arm around me and pulled me in for a tight hug. “Well, let’s get you fed so you can go to bed then.”

Great. Bed. Just another reminder that I was in mine… not his.


“No man will ever love you as much as I love you,” I whispered in Mel’s ear when she was fast asleep. Time to put part of my plan into action. I went to my computer and started putting my journals into personal files. One copy sent to someone I’d never met, and the other copy? To the person who was going to carry out my revenge — again. The best people to pick on? Ones who wanted revenge, whose hearts were broken. I laughed at my own brilliance. I would probably still be laughing from hell. Most people want to leave behind a legacy, and that’s exactly what I was doing. —The Journal of Taylor B.


FINDING HER EMAIL was easy. Sending the email? Not so much. I started typing then deleted the entire thing. With a growl, I typed again then deleted. I repeated this same process until finally settling with…

[email protected] to [email protected]

Are you okay?

Dr. Tristan Blake

UW Psychology Department