Page 19 of Healing Her Patient

“Oh, of course. Thank you for reminding me, my one.” And Navii gave her husband an extremely passionate kiss on the mouth, apparently by way of “thanking” him.

Note to self, Danni thought. Do not ask Bravik to do anything for you so you have to thank him or give him any reason to thank you—at least, not in public!

The bathing chamber was the first place where not everything appeared to be some kind of growing, living plant. Instead, there was a large square bathtub built into the floor made of smooth gray stones. There were three steps leading down into it. Navii showed them a spout at the end where the water flowed into the tub and a rudimentary lever which shut it off and on.

“But I recommend that you take your bath at night, when the water is warmest,” she told Danni and Bravik. “For that is when we lose the power of the Mother Stone and it flows through every dwelling to heat water and fill the living areas with light and power.”

“Oh, uh, okay.” Danni nodded. “I’ll remember that—thank you.”

The toilet was hidden behind a stone wall and made of smooth branches of living trees that had been woven to form a seat with a hole in the middle. The toilet paper consisted of the soft, slightly furry gray leaves that sprouted from the vines which climbed over the stone wall. Danni wondered how it was going to be to use a living toilet and then decided she would probably find out soon enough.

“And now,” Navii told her, once the tour was complete and the four of them were standing in the living area once more. “I must ask the two of you to part ways for a time. I know, I know,” she went on quickly, holding up a finger as though to stop any protests Danni and Bravik might have about being parted. “It is always difficult to part with the other half of your heart. But I promise you will be back together very soon at the feast tonight.”

Danni looked up at the big Kindred, who shrugged and nodded.

“All right, that’s fine,” Danni said to Navii.

“Good! You will come with me to get fitted for new garments—I am certain I have something that will work for you. But as for your husband…” Navii looked up at Bravik doubtfully. The H’rakens were a little bit smaller than humans, which meant the Kindred warrior probably looked enormous to them, Danni thought.

“Do not worry about Commander Bravik,” Kozen said heartily. “I am certain I can find him something fit to wear to the feast, my heart.”

“Thank you, my one.” Navii gave him another long, lingering kiss. “But this means that you and I must be parted as well,” she said, sounding as though she didn’t expect to see him again for weeks or months.

“It is a sad time when I must be parted from my lovely wife twice in one day.” Kozen shook his head mournfully. “But to make up for it, I vow to fill your womb many times with my seed tonight, my heart.”

“Oh, do you promise, my one?” Navii locked eyes with her husband and rubbed against him, as eager as a cat in heat, Danni thought.

“I do. And you know I never break a promise about love-making,” Kozen murmured, palming one of her full breasts again. He leaned over and kissed her under the ear sensually. “I cannot wait to be inside you, my heart,” he murmured. “If the guests were not here, I would take you in the bower right this minute!”

“Oh, Kozen—do not tease me!” Navii pouted and rubbed against him some more. Taking his free hand—the one that wasn’t folding her breasts—she pushed it between her thighs so that Kozen was cupping her pussy. “Feel how wet I am for you, my one,” she murmured to him. “I cannot wait to have you fill me!”

Have they totally forgotten we’re here?

Danni felt her cheeks get hot. She risked a quick look up at the big Kindred and saw that Bravik was frowning at the overt sexual display. He caught her eyes and shrugged slightly, his broad shoulders rolling under his crimson uniform shirt.

Danni shrugged back. She didn’t know if this was a regular kind of good-bye between mated H’rakens or if Navii and Kozen were just complete exhibitionists taking advantage of the fact that they had a captive audience.

At last, however, the loving couple broke apart.

“Forgive us,” Navii said to Danni, smiling. “Though we have been married twenty cycles now, the power of the Mother Stone’s love is still strong in our Joining.”

“Indeed it is, my heart. I will see you later and fill you with my seed,” Kozen promised. There was a very obvious erection pressing against the thin material of his white linen trousers, proving that he was eager to keep his promise. “Come,” he said to Bravik. “Let us see what we can find for you to wear to the feast, my friend.”