“All right,” Commander Bravik growled, turning to face her as soon as he flipped off the engines. “Now let me be clear—I’ll do the talking. You just stay in the background until I have a chance to introduce the subject of you snooping around in their healing practices.”

“Snooping around?” Danni opened her mouth to say that she didn’t appreciate him denigrating her research, but just at that moment the viewscreen popped to life and an alien face appeared.

The face had pale blue skin, high cheekbones, and an extremely large cranium. There were thick silver rings around the slender neck and the male—for he seemed to be a male—was shirtless, baring a rather skinny blue chest.

“Ahh, our Kindred visitors have arrived!” the alien exclaimed, his face beaming in an effusive smile which showed many brilliantly white teeth. “Welcome, welcome! We are so glad to have you here! I am Kozen, Head of the H’raken Collective.”

“Many thanks for your kind welcome, Kozen,” Bravik said formally. “I am Commander Bravik of the Kindred and this is Dr. Danielle Adams of Earth—the planet the Kindred Mother Ship is currently protecting.”

Well, at least he got my title right! Danni thought, shooting the big Kindred a look. She was glad that Liv had given her a shot of translation bacteria so that she could easily understand and converse in the alien language. It made a first contact situation, as Bravik had called it, so much easier.

“We are very pleased to be here,” she said, since Kozen was looking at her expectantly. “We have much to learn from you.”

Bravik shot her an unreadable look but the alien leader seemed pleased by her words.

“We have much to learn from each other,” he said, flashing her that brilliant white smile. “Please have the goodness to depart your ship and come down to meet us—we are so happy you have arrived safely.”

“We’ll be right there,” Bravik promised and then the viewscreen went blank.

“Before you say anything about me talking in the presence of superior men,” Danni said, “He was looking right at me and I felt like it was appropriate to say something.”

Bravik looked surprised.

“I never said that you couldn’t talk because males were superior. I was pointing out that I outrank you in this situation and I’ve been on over fifty missions like this while this is your first one. Having said that, though—you did well.”

Somehow his praise was almost worse than his earlier censure. Danni felt herself bristling inside—the big asshole really rubbed her the wrong way!

“Well thank you so much for your approval,” she said dryly. “Now I can die happy, I suppose.”

Bravik glared at her.

“Can’t win with you, can I, little girl?”

“Oh, so now we’re back to ‘little girl’ are we?” Danni demanded. “How is it that you could remember my credentials correctly when you were talking to Kozen, there, but you resort to calling me demeaning nicknames when we’re alone together?”

“It’s not demeaning—it’s factual,” Bravik growled. “You’re a female and you’re tiny.”

“I am not!” Danni put a hand to her hip. “I’m a grown woman and I’m five foot seven which is the normal height for a woman!” Not to mention the fact that she was curvy as well—with her overlarge breasts and big hips and behind she hardly qualified as petite.

“You’re fucking tiny,” he repeated. “But if it makes you feel better, I’ll call you ‘Dr. Adams’ from now on.”

“That would be an improvement on your former behavior,” Danni snapped. “But then, that’s a very low bar we’re talking about.”

Her only answer from Bravik was a low, rumbling growl. It really was like being in the presence of a bear, she thought. Huge and wild and rude.

And dangerous, whispered the little voice in her head. Better not piss him off, Danni.

Too late, Danni told it. She locked eyes with the big Kindred, intent on staring him down. But Bravik stared right back and after a few seconds, it became increasingly awkward, looking him directly in his golden-bronze eyes.

Danni became aware that her heart was beating faster and her breathing had sped up too. This crazy staring contest was really working her nerves! Still, she refused to drop her gaze.

God, he smells good! Wait…is it normal that I can smell him even though he’s sitting a few feet away from me on the other side of the cockpit? And shouldn’t I be used to his scent by now? We’ve been in this shuttle together for a while. And why does his scent make me feel so funny?

That smoky, leather, spice scent of the big Kindred seemed to be making her body react in some strange way. Her nipples felt suddenly tender and tight against the lace of the bra she was wearing and her pussy was suddenly throbbing. It was almost like sitting here staring into Bravik’s eyes while she smelled his unique, masculine scent was turning her on.