Page 64 of Healing Her Patient

“Oh!” Danni gasped. “What are you doing?”

“Just getting you a little closer,” Bravik growled softly. “I like feeling you in my arms—like knowing that you’re near me, little girl.”

“I…I feel the same way,” Danni admitted.

She looked over to see Navii watching them with an uncertain look on her face. But then she smiled and Danni thought she must have imagined it.

“Come,” she said. “Let us leave this way.”

She glided across the sands, leading them in a different direction around the vast interior of the hollow pyramid. Danni rested her head on Bravik’s broad chest tiredly as he carried her, but she kept her eyes open, watching the other couples exiting as well. Everyone looked happy and sexually sated and it occurred to Danni that there was certainly no need for any kind of couples therapy among the H’raken people. The Mother Stone appeared to bond them together so closely they could scarcely stand to be apart.

As she was watching the happy H’rakens on their way out of the pyramid, her eyes caught on a small door in the sloping wall.

“What’s that?” she asked, pointing to the door. It looked too small to be a general exit and everyone seemed to be ignoring it and going on past.

“Don’t know.” Bravik frowned and stopped in front of the door. “Navii?” he asked, prompting the H’raken woman to turn around. “Where does this lead? Another changing room?”

Navii turned and examined the door he was pointing at.

“Oh, that is the home of the Ancient Light One,” she said dismissively. “It was he who told Kozen to send a message to you in the first place.”

“To the Kindred, you mean?” Bravik asked, frowning. “Well then, shouldn’t we talk to him? To see what he wants?”

“Oh, no! The Ancient Light One speaks only to Kozen.” Navii looked somewhat shocked at the idea of anyone else speaking to the person who lived behind the small door.

“But—” Danni began.

“We really must go, my dear friends,” Navii said pointedly, nodding at the exit where more couples were leaving now. “Truly, it is not good for one to spend more than an hour or two in Adoration of the Mother Stone at a time. I already fear that the two of you will have difficulty saying your goodbyes tomorrow morning.”

Danni exchanged a glance with Bravik and saw that the big Kindred wasn’t nearly satisfied on this matter—but was willing to drop it for now.

“All right. Good night, Navii,” he growled softly.

“Goodnight, dear friends. I will see you both in the morning.” Navii murmured, nodding her head.

Then she turned and left the pink sands surrounding the Mother Stone as she exited the pyramid, leaving Danni and Bravik to do the same.


The next days flew by in a blur as Danni and Bravik assimilated more fully into the H’raken culture. As they did, their old lives on the Mother Ship seemed farther and farther away—unimportant and distant as they fell into their new routine.

Every day there were communal chores to do and they parted with great reluctance, Danni to work with the women and Bravik with the men. Every morning it was harder to part and every evening when they saw each other again they rushed into each other’s arms, greeting each other as eagerly and effusively as the H’rakens all greeted their mates.

Every night there was a feast and then the Adoration of the Mother Stone and every night Bravik “healed” Danni some more. And often as not, the healing and pleasure continued once they got home to their little guest house.

Navii had told them that they ought to go right to bed rather than sitting in the living area and absorbing more of the Mother Stone’s power. But often they ignored these directions and wound up on the couch stroking and kissing and sucking each other for hours before they finally made it to the swaying bed made of branches in the next room.

“It’s like I can’t get enough of you,” Danni whispered one night as she cuddled against the big Kindred, with her head in his lap. She was stroking his hard shaft while she alternated between kissing him and sucking him. She loved the taste of him in her mouth—hot cinnamon again—and utterly delicious. Also, Kindred males were multi-orgasmic, so he never went soft until they were completely finished and he wanted to.

“Can’t get enough of you either, little girl,” he growled, stroking her hair as he watched her lap lazily at the head of his cock. “Gods, I love to watch you suck me!”

“I love the way you taste,” Danni admitted, licking him again. “I just wish…” She bit her lip, twisting her head to look up at him.

“You wish what, little girl?” Bravik asked, stroking her hair some more.

“I wish I could feel you inside me,” Danni whispered. She slid her hand down his long, thick shaft and traced her fingers around the swelling at the base he had told her was his “Mating Fist.” “Although I still don’t see how you could possibly fit inside me.”