Page 63 of Healing Her Patient

And there was something else—a strange new sensation she had never felt before. Deep inside there was a flutter—as fragile and delicate as a butterfly’s wings and yet somehow completely tangible. It was almost as though a flower was budding inside her, Danni thought—though of course that didn’t make sense. But she couldn’t shake the mental image of a tightly closed bud growing inside and then opening, unfolding to show fragile new petals which absorbed the pink radiance of the Mother Stone.

The next minute the pleasure finally started to ebb and the strange budding, fluttering feeling eased as well until Danni was certain she’d just imagined it. She lay back on the soft sand-chair panting, her fingers still loosely tangled in the big Kindred’s hair as she collapsed in the aftermath of the intense orgasm.

“Hey, little girl, did you get enough?”

Brav’s deep, growling voice brought her back to herself and Danni looked up to see him watching her with a cat-that-got-the-cream smile on his sensuous lips.

“I…I think so.” She was panting, she realized. It almost felt as though she’d just run a marathon—a sexual one. “I…I’ve never come that hard,” she told him, slipping her fingers out of his thick hair and stroking his rough cheek instead. “Or that many times in a row. I…I lost count.”

“Seven,” Bravik growled, and licked his lips. “Wanna make it eight?”

“You’ll kill me!” Danni laughed weakly. “I’ll die of pleasure overload.”

“Think it’s time for us to go, anyway.” He looked over her shoulder and reluctantly unwound his long arms from around her thighs. “Looks like Navii is coming to tell us time’s up.”

“Is she?” Danni sat up quickly, tucking her breasts back into her Adoration gown and pulling it down so it covered her pussy, which felt swollen and hot from all the orgasms the big Kindred had given her.

“My dear friends!” The H’raken woman’s voice announced her presence before she came into view. “I trust your first Adoration of the Mother Stone went well?” she asked, smiling at them.

“Um, yes.” Danni felt suddenly embarrassed, though she and Bravik hadn’t been doing any more than most of the other couples had.

Bravik, however, didn’t seem a bit ashamed of their wanton actions.

“Went fucking great,” he growled, licking his lips and winking at Danni. “Can’t wait for tomorrow night to do it all again.”

Navii laughed delightedly.

“Your pleasure in healing your dear one will surely be rewarded, Friend Bravik,” she said, smiling. “And I assure you, that you will have many more healings to come. The Mother Stone will let you know when to stop but until then, you must keep doing as you did tonight.”

“It will be my pleasure,” the big Kindred growled. He winked at Danni. “And yours too, little girl—I hope.”

“Bravik!” Danni could feel herself blushing, but she couldn’t really be mad at him. He had just pushed her sexual boundaries to an incredible new level and though she felt sated for the moment, she could already feel herself getting ready for the next time.

Is that what the Mother Stone does? Makes you want more and more of your spouse until you can’t get enough? she wondered hazily.

If so, she wasn’t upset—even though part of her, deep down, reminded her that she and Bravik could never really be Joined. At this moment, the time when they would go back to the Mother Ship and just be friends and colleagues again, seemed very far away. It was like thinking about an event that was years and years in the future—something she didn’t need to worry about right now.

“Come,” Navii told them. “It is time that we leave the Mother Stone’s presence now. The two of you, though already Joined, have never been in such close contact with her before. I am rather afraid it might affect you like a newly Joined couple and make you unable to leave each other tomorrow morning if you stay here much longer.”

“Yes, all right.” Danni nodded and accepted Bravik’s offered hand to get to her feet. She slipped an arm around his waist and felt his own long, muscular arm settle around her shoulders in a perfectly natural way. It seemed so right to be close to him—as though he was a piece of her heart that she’d lost years ago and had been looking for ever since, though she hadn’t even known it.

“Come on, little girl,” he rumbled softly. “It’s been a long day. Let’s go back home and get to bed.”

Danni felt a little thrill of desire run through her at his words. Was it normal to want more after she’d just had a marathon session of orgasms, she wondered? She didn’t know but just the idea of slipping into bed with the big Kindred beside her made her engine start revving again.

She pressed closer to Bravik’s side, wanting to touch every part of him at once. He seemed to feel the same way because he suddenly swung her up into his arms and cuddled her close to his broad chest.