Page 58 of Healing Her Patient

Brav wasn’t sure about that. Up until now, he had assumed that the Mother Stone was just a natural phenomenon that emitted a unique radiation. Now, it seemed the damn thing was actually capable of some kind of sentient thought and actions. What was it really? Some kind of alien life form? And did it mean them harm or good?

He had no satisfactory answers as the giant hand started flowing across the sand, clearly expecting them to follow it.

“Come—we must go where the Mother Stone directs,” Navii said and set off across the sands, following the hand.

“Should we?” Danielle asked, looking up at Brav.

He frowned.

“For now. But stay close to me, little girl. I’m not sure how I feel about this.”

“I’m not sure either,” she admitted and tightened her grip on his hand. Her fingers felt small and delicate in his. “I’m just glad we’re together,” she whispered.

“Me too, little girl.” Brav offered her a smile and was glad when she smiled back in response. “Come on—let’s go.”

They walked over the sands, trying not to notice the intimacies the H’raken couples were engaged in. Some of them were just ‘making-out,’ as Danielle called it, Brav thought, but in some instances one of the partners was clearly ‘healing’ the other, who was passive and simply allowing themselves to be worked on.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, if the soft moans and groans of pleasure were any indication. They were all facing the glowing pink monolith in the center of the pyramid and the couches they were sitting—or lying—on appeared to be made of sand, Brav noticed. Presumably if it could form a giant hand, it could also make itself into a loveseat or a bed or—in one case that he saw, where a H’raken male was running his hands up and down his wife’s body—a massage table.

But all the couples he saw were at some distance from the pulsing pink finger of crystal. The giant hand, however, was leading them closer and closer, making him wonder uneasily how it would affect Danielle and himself to be in such close proximity to the source of the unknown radiation.

Danielle must have been thinking the same thing, because she murmured to Navii, “Um, how close do you think we’ll have to get?”

“As close as you need to be in order to be healed,” was the H’raken woman’s oblique answer. And still the sand hand moved closer and closer to the monolith.

At last, when they were only a few yards from the Mother Stone, the hand stopped and formed itself into a kind of couch facing the pink glowing crystal finger.

Up close, Brav could see how huge the Mother Stone really was. Its base was as big around as one of the giant redwood trees he had seen on Earth and it tapered gradually upwards towards the top of the pyramid.

“We’re so close!” Danielle sounded nervous. “Is it safe to be so close?”

“As long as you do not touch the Mother Stone, it is safe to be right beside her, if she deems it necessary,” Navii told them. “Please do not worry, my dear friends—the Mother Stone would not have drawn you so close to her if deep healing was not necessary.” She looked at Brav. “A healing which you will perform, with her help.”

“Yes, but how am I supposed to, er, heal Danielle?” he asked, frowning.

As though in answer, the couch turned into a chair, clearly meant only for one—in fact, it appeared to be shaped as a kind of recliner with a platform to support the legs and feet, Brav saw. As he watched, the bottom platform split in two and spread apart and a second platform appeared beneath it—a kind of lower seat for someone to sit on.

“Ahh, I see what the Mother Stone intends for you,” Navii said, smiling. “Friend Danielle, you will sit upon the larger chair the sands have formed for you while you, Friend Bravik, will sit on the smaller chair between her legs.”

“Wait—what?” For a moment, Danielle looked almost panicked. “Um, why would he sit there, between my legs?” she asked, her eyes wide and uncertain. “That doesn’t seem right at all!”

“Oh, but it is very right. Let me explain,” Navii said. “Your dear one will sit between your legs, between you and the Mother Stone. As her luminescence shines upon him, he will conduct her power into your womb with the tender ministrations of his mouth and hands.”

“His mouth?” Danielle sounded even more upset. “But what…what if he doesn’t want to put his mouth on me there?”

Brav frowned.

“Why would I not want to put my mouth on you, little girl?”

In fact, just the idea of licking and kissing her soft little pussy had him hard as a rock. He had to be careful not to shift the wrong way or his shaft was going to come right through the damn slit in his trousers!