Page 32 of Healing Her Patient

“Please what, baby?” he growled softly. “Please stop? Or please make you come? I can smell your heat—you’re right on the edge, aren’t you? Right about to come for me while I touch you.”

Suddenly, Danni sensed that she was right on the brink of orgasm. She hadn’t been with a man in years and it was as though her body was a desert finally getting rain after a long, long dry season. Which was surely the only reason the big Kindred was affecting her so strongly, she tried to tell herself. But that was hard to keep in mind when she was about to come…

“And that is how you perform a perfect gentle breast massage.” Kozen’s voice broke into the erotic haze that had somehow clouded her vision and Danni realized that he and Navii and all the other H’rakens were getting up from the table and brushing the crumbs off their laps.

Oh my God—and I’m just lying here getting fondled! she realized. Completely humiliated, she sat up, pulling away from Bravik’s big hands.

“And did you enjoy the lesson, my friend?” Navii asked, winking broadly at her. She leaned across the table and whispered loudly, “I asked my dear one to help teach your husband how to respect you more.”

“Um, yes. Thank you.” Danni’s voice sounded breathless in her own ears as she tried to smile at the other woman. “I…I hope you enjoyed the…the Adoration of the Mother Stone tonight.”

“Oh, we always do! You can come with us tomorrow,” Navii said, smiling at her. “For now, go home and sit in your living area awhile to absorb some of the Mother Stone’s power before you christen your bower.”

“Oh, uh, right. Yes, we will—thank you.” Danni nodded quickly and stood up. Behind her, Bravik stood up as well.

“Good night, Kozen,” he rumbled. “Thank you for teaching me your excellent technique.”

“I could tell that your lovely wife enjoyed it,” the H’raken leader said, smiling. “You are most welcome, Friend Bravik. Have a good night.”

“Have a good night,” Bravik echoed. He looked down at Danni. “Ready to go home, little girl?”

“Um, sure.” Danni couldn’t look at him—she was too mortified by the way she had behaved. She’d been writhing all over his lap and pressing her breasts into his hands while he stroked her nipples. God, what was wrong with her?

She didn’t have an answer. Biting her lip and still not looking at the big Kindred, she waved at Navii one last time and turned to go.


The walk back to the guest house where they were staying was silent and tense, to say the least. It was a fucking shame, Brav thought to himself, as he stole another glance at the curvy little female beside him. They’d been getting along so much better before Kozen insisted that he learn that damn breast massage technique. The laughter he’d shared with Danielle had briefly made them friends instead of just coworkers who couldn’t stand each other.

She probably fucking hates me now, he thought grimly. Couldn’t blame her if she does. I got carried away, touching her. Shouldn’t have said those things I said—shouldn’t have told her I could tell she was about to come.

But it had been so obvious the words had just slipped out. Her heart rate had tripled and her breathing was shallow and rapid. She’d been moaning softly and writhing in his lap. But most of all, her scent had intensified to an almost unbearably erotic level. Brav had been about ready to come himself, just breathing in her heat and listening to her moan as he teased her beautiful breasts. Gods, she was gorgeous!

He just wished he hadn’t made her hate him.


He probably has zero respect for me now, Danni thought morosely as they walked along the quiet, deserted streets of the H’raken village. I have an MD and a PhD but after that little scene he probably thinks I’m just some bimbo he can bang whenever he wants.

Well, that certainly wasn’t going to happen, she promised herself. No matter what they had to do in public in order to keep up the fiction that they were a couple, she was not going to do a single thing with the big Kindred in private. In fact, she should probably make him sleep on the couch tonight, just to prove it.

Bravik, for his part, didn’t say a word. He was like a huge, hulking shadow in the dimness beside her. The village didn’t seem to have any kind of streetlights or lamps so the further the sun fell, the darker it got.

At last they reached the little guest house that had been assigned to them and Danni pushed open the vine-covered door.

“It sure is dark in here,” she murmured—the first words either one of them had uttered since leaving the feast. They echoed spookily in the unfamiliar, alien house and made goosebumps break out all over her mostly bare arms.