“Well, I think it’s wonderful that you’ve decided to channel all your energy into helping other people,” she said at last.

Roark shrugged again.

“What else can I do? Besides, I love my work. I’m constantly fascinated by the science of Kindred/human fertility—it’s different with every kind of Kindred. The nuances are enough to keep me busy forever.”

“Well, you’re certainly dedicated to collecting your data,” Sammi said daringly. She lowered her voice. “Is, uh, that why you brought me out tonight? To see how I would react while wearing the, er, devices you attached while we were in public?”

“Exactly.” Roark’s voice sank to a low growl. “And how are you doing tonight, Samantha? Have you gotten used to wearing the caps and the shield?”

“Somewhat.” Sammi shifted in her seat. She’d been so intent on their conversation and the meal, she’d almost been able to ignore the tingling sensation from the bonding fruit ointment she felt in both her nipples and pussy. But now that Roark had drawn her attention to those sensitive areas again, she was very aware of a deep sexual itch she couldn’t scratch.

“I see you’re wearing a top that conceals the nipple caps, anyway,” Roark remarked, eyeing the emerald green button-down silk blouse Sammi had put on. It was dark enough to hide the black caps encasing her soft pink peaks as well as the black breast harness. Also, it brought out her eyes—at least according to Meg.

“Well…yes.” She shrugged her shoulders self-consciously. “I mean, I couldn’t have people seeing them. They look, uh, kind of kinky, even if you and I know they’re just for research purposes.”

“Kinky, hmm?” Roark looked at her with half-lowered lid. “As in sexually deviant? That is what you mean, isn’t it?”

“Um…yes, I guess so.” Sammi cleared her throat. “You know, like bondage and domination. Or some kind of…of sexual submission.” Her mouth went dry as she said it—as she named aloud her own personal, newly discovered kink.

“The kind of submission where one partner makes the other partner wear fetish clothing or implements for the purpose of sexual arousal?” Roark cocked an eyebrow at her and Sammi felt her cheeks getting hot.

“Yes,” she said in a low voice. “Exactly.”

“And possibly these same fetish-type implements give the dominant partner power over his submissive’s body?”

As he spoke, he withdrew a small device from his pocket which looked like a remote control to Sammi. She felt a shiver of apprehension.

“What are you getting at?” she asked, frowning. “And what is that thing you’re holding?”

“This, my dear Samantha, is a device which goes along with the nipple caps and the Goddess pearl shield which I placed on you earlier,” Roark murmured. “It’s meant to raise your levels of desire and sexual need. Observe.”

He pressed one of the buttons on the remote and Sammi had to bite back a gasp.

Immediately, the two black nipple caps enclosing her nipples and areolas began to suck and tug at her tender peaks. They got warmer too, feeling like two wet mouths surrounding her nipples and licking and nursing her stiff points mercilessly.

“You feel it?” Roark demanded, looking at her intently.

“I…I do!” Sammi gasped. “How…how did you get them to do that?”

“Pleasure by nerve induction.” He gave her a rare, one-sided smile, the left corner of his thin but sensuous lips curving up. “It’s the same concept used by the pain collars Mistresses put on their bodyslaves on Yonnie Six. Only of course, I wanted to induce pleasure, not pain. Pleasure is a great deal more difficult than pain, by the way. It’s a much more subtle feeling. Though of course, the two sensations are closer together than one might think.”

“I…I see,” Sammi moaned softly. “When…when are you going to make it stop?”

“Not for some time,” Roark growled softly. “Why, are you tired of being pleasured already, Samantha? We haven’t even tested out the Goddess pearl shield yet.”

Sammi’s eyes widened when she realized the implication of his words.

“Oh, no!” she begged, reached to put a hand on his arm again, this time beseechingly. “Please, Roark—we’re in public!”

“We’re in a very secluded spot,” he pointed out. “I asked the server to seat us here for just this reason.”

Then he pointed the remote at her again and pressed another button.

Immediately, the same teasing sensation of a mouth sucking and licking her, that she was already feeing in her nipples, began in Sammi’s clit.

The pleasure was overwhelming. She bit her knuckles to keep from crying out but she couldn’t stop herself from writhing in her seat—it was as though someone had pressed a high-powered vibrator to the sensitive bundle of nerves at the center of her pussy—she literally could not hold still!

And yet no matter how the pleasure built, it never came to a climax. No matter how intense it got, Sammi found she could never quite come. Every time she started getting close, the pleasure would end momentarily and then begin again with a whole different rhythm. The effect was to put her continually on the edge of an orgasm but to never quite push her over the edge and let her find relief.