“Maybe…” Meg sighed forlornly. “You’re lucky you’re single, Sammi. No man to worry about—nobody tying you up in knots, you know?”

“No, nobody tying me up,” Sammi echoed, and a little voice in her head echoed, So strapping you down to the table while he used that molecular wand thing on you didn’t count?

The memory of being strapped down and vulnerable while Roark probed her pussy with the purple wand sent a sudden rush of heat to the spot between her legs. Sammi pressed her thighs together and shifted in her chair.


“Huh?” Looking up, she saw that Meg was looking at her with concern.

“I said are you okay? You’re not mad are you, that Berik can’t get the rest of your stuff from Earth right away?”

“Oh no, of course not!” Sammi exclaimed. Meg’s husband had gone, as promised, to pick up her things from her house. But her Aunt Vicky had only managed to pack half of it up in time. She had promised to get the rest done by the end of the week but now that Berik was going to be gone for a while, it was clear Sammi would have to wait until later to get the rest of her boxes.

“I promise he’ll get it the minute he gets back,” Meg said. She blushed. “Well, maybe not the exact minute. I’ll have to spend some time, uh, welcoming him home if you know what I mean.” She grinned at Sammi and winked.

“I think I get it,” Sammi said dryly. “And please don’t worry about it. The suites here come already furnished, so it’s not like I’m sleeping on the floor because I’m waiting for my mattress. Berik brought most of my clothes on the first trip—that’s really all I need to get by for now.”

“He must not have brought your summer clothes, though.” Meg frowned. “Or why else are you wearing a sweater?”

“Oh, uh…I was cold, that’s all,” Sammi said lamely. She shifted in her seat again and once more tried to pull the clingy sweater away from her breasts.

“Well, okay.” Meg shrugged. Lucikly, she was still too preoccupied with missing her husband to examine Sammi’s answer too closely. “I promise Berik will get the rest when he comes home, though.”

“Thanks—I appreciate it,” Sammi said, trying to smile. She was beginning to feel the need for some “alone time” to take care of the growing desire that was plaguing her. She didn’t want to be rude, but she hoped dinner would be over soon so she could go take care of herself.

Though I’m not going to think about Roark while I do it, she told herself strongly. That wouldn’t be right. I have to start separating my work from my fantasy life.

Though considering that her work was beginning to strongly resemble some kind of strange sexual fantasy, that might not be easy…

“So how is work going?” Meg chose that moment to ask.

“Oh, you know…” Sammi shrugged vaguely.

“No, I don’t—until you tell me!” Meg exclaimed. “Come on, Sammi—spill it! I’ve been going on and on about Barik and how much I miss him all night and you’ve barely said two words about your new job!”

“Well, there’s…not much to tell. You know…” Sammi shrugged uneasily. “It’s just a job, that’s all.”

She didn’t know why she was reluctant to tell her best friend the bizarre things that had been going on at her new job. Maybe because what Roark and she were doing together felt private and she didn’t want to share it—not even with Meg.

Or maybe because you’re embarrassed about being so submissive, whispered a little voice in her head. Letting him spank you and probe you and wearing the harness he put on you and letting him massage your nipples…

“Just a job?” Meg gave her a piercing look. “With a boss like Commander Roark? I don’t think so! Come on, Sammi—what’s he got you doing—some kind of top-secret research?”

Sammi thought of the “research” her boss had informed her was part of her job—thought of how he had promised she would be “deeply fucked” by phalluses of all different kinds and how she was even now wearing the breast harness he had designed…and felt her cheeks getting hot.

Unfortunately, Meg saw her reaction.

“Oh my God, you’re blushing!” she exclaimed, looking at Sammi. “What are the two of you doing, anyway? I’ve heard that Shadow Twins have a hard time getting bonded sometimes but maybe the two of you are finding a way around that?”

“It’s not like that,” Sammi said quickly. “I mean, Roark is an extremely attractive man, er, Kindred, but he’s just my boss, that’s all.”

“Just your boss. Riiiight.” Meg nodded skeptically. “Okay, if you say so, Sammi.”

“I do.” Sammi pushed her plate away and stood up. “Would you excuse me, Meg? I’m not feeling so good.”

“What? You want to go before we even have dessert?” Meg demanded. “But I got the most amazing cupcakes from this little shop down by the park area in the center of the ship! It’s run by a cousin of Liv and Sophie. You remember them, right? The two sisters I introduced you to when you first came aboard?”