Page 39 of Bonded by Accident

“But you want to, don’t you, baby?”

In answer, Brandi grabbed the back of his hair and pushed him down between her thighs. She knew she shouldn’t but somehow when he looked at her with those mismatched eyes and surrounded her with his bonding scent, she just couldn’t say no to the big Kindred. She didn’t even want to say no.

“Good girl,” Slade rumbled through their link. “Good girl, Brandi—just spread your thighs for me and let me eat your pussy. Let me eat your pussy until you come all over my face.”

Grabbing her thighs, he pushed them over his broad shoulders and buried his face between her legs. Brandi gasped and bucked as he plowed his tongue between her pussy lips, licking and sucking greedily, as though he was determined to lap up every drop of her honey. At the same time she felt his long, strong fingers rubbing that place inside her, pressing up relentlessly, massaging her from the inside out until she felt her pleasure peaking hard and fast, her orgasm washing over her as she bucked her hips up to meet his mouth.

It was possibly the fastest orgasm she’d ever had. Slade didn’t stop at making her come once, though. He licked and sucked and massaged her G-spot for what felt like forever as Brandi came again and again until she felt she literally couldn’t come anymore.

When Slade finally pulled away, his mouth and chin shiny with her juices, she felt like a limp dishrag, all wrung out.

“Had enough, baby?” he asked softly, giving her a tender kiss on her thigh. “Or could you go one more time?”

“No…no more,” Brandi finally managed to say. “Oh God, I’ve never felt…felt anything like that, Slade.”

“That’s because you’ve never been with a male who not only wants to go down—he actually needs to go down,” he rumbled, helping her find her panties and pull them back into place over her swollen pussy.

“You really need to?” Brandi somehow found the strength to pull down her skirt and sit up, though she still felt boneless as a jellyfish from the waist down.

Slade nodded.

“It’s a biological urge for Kindred. Helps tie our mates to us. Tastes fucking delicious too.” He licked his lips.

Brandi bit her lip. “I guess I should have asked before now but…what kind of Kindred are you? I mean, you have fangs like a Blood Kindred but the uh…” She gestured to his crotch. “The other thing like a Beast Kindred.”

He rumbled laughter.

“You mean my mating fist?”

“Yes…that.” She couldn’t help thinking of the way that huge thing had swelled inside her, making her feel more full than she ever had in her life, making her come so hard…

Then she wondered abruptly if Slade had heard her dirty thoughts.

“Of course I heard them, baby—didn’t I tell you, you’re a projector? But I don’t mind hearing that you enjoyed having my mating fist inside you.”

Brandi felt her cheeks getting hot. She wondered if she would ever get used to this—to knowing the big Kindred could hear her thoughts and see the dirty images in her head.

“It’s not dirty,” Slade protested softly. “I told you—mates get hungry for each other. There’s no shame in that, baby.”

“You still haven’t told me what kind of Kindred you are,” Brandi reminded him, trying to change the subject to something less embarrassing.

“Oh, sorry. I’m a hybrid—half Beast Kindred and half Blood Kindred. See the eyes?” He pointed to his mismatched gold and green eyes. “Blue and gold is more typical for my kind but there are variations sometimes.”

“They’re beautiful—your eyes, I mean,” Brandi said honestly. “I’ve never seen anything like them—like you, Slade.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. You’re fucking gorgeous yourself.” His hands described a full hourglass in the air between them. “Exactly the kind of female I used to dream of all those years I was locked away.”

Brandi frowned. “Locked away? What do you mean by that?”

He frowned and sighed, running a hand through his hair.

“Damn…I hate like hell to tell you after what you told me about your ex-mate.”

“Oh, no…” Brandi had a sinking feeling in her stomach. “Please don’t tell me you’re some kind of ex-con?”

He nodded reluctantly. “Locked up for almost five years in CellStone and then I was transferred to BleakHall.”

“And then you made parole?” Brandi asked. “I mean, they let you out for good behavior?”

“Hell no, sweetheart—nobody gets out of BleakHall for any reason. It’s a lifers only triple max slam. No, I escaped with a little help from another Kindred and his mate.”

“You what?” Brandi couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “So…you’re on the run from some interstellar police or something? You’re a fugitive?”

“No, baby—nothing like that,” Slade hastened to reassure her but Brandi was already edging away from him.

“What is it like, then?” she demanded. “Let me guess, you were framed and none of it was your fault.”