Page 14 of Bonded by Accident

The big Kindred responded to the pain of her nails digging into him with a grunt of pain and even harder thrusts. It was like they were getting lost in each other—pushing each other higher and harder—daring each other to see who could reach the edge of pleasure first.

And then he ended the kiss as abruptly as it had begun and took her by the throat instead.

Brandi had a split second of fear—is he going to strangle me now? Is he into choking—I don’t like that!

But he didn’t squeeze or cut off her air supply—he simply turned her head so that the side of her neck was bared for him. Then, with a low growl, he leaned forward and bit her—driving his fangs deep into the side of her neck—piercing her above as he was piercing her below.

Brandi cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as the most intense orgasm she’d ever had ripped through her. She stiffened against him, her inner muscles clenching around his cock, milking him hard as though she was begging him to flood her with his seed.

It was a plea his body heard and answered. She felt him swell even bigger within her pussy and then hot, hard spurts of wetness were bathing the mouth of her womb.

Good thing I’m on the pill! she thought deliriously and then she was coming again—her pussy milking him hard, sucking the thick invader of his shaft as though she never wanted to let him go.

“Oh!” she cried hoarsely. “Oh, yes…yes! Please…” Damn it—she really wished she knew his name!

“The name is Slade, sweetheart. Call me by my name while I fill you up with cum.”

“Slade!” she cried, at last having something to call him. “Oh god, yes—fill me up! You’re making me come so hard!”

The incredible orgasm seemed to go on and on. It must be something to do with his fangs buried in her neck. It must be…

Brandi’s speculative thoughts came to a sudden screeching halt. How had he told her his name while he was still biting her? Had he somehow sent his voice inside her head? How had he done that? What was going on?

“That’s what I’d like to know, sweetheart. Who are you and how did I bond with you?”

“What?” Brandi began to struggle against him. “What’s going on? How are you doing this? How are you in my head?”

At last he withdrew his fangs from her neck and stopped thrusting. Pulling back, he looked her in the face and Brandi saw that his own face was like granite.

“Who in the Seven Hells are you?” he demanded, not answering any of her questions. “You’re not any damn Pairing Puppet, that’s for fucking certain.”

“Let me go…let me up!” Brandi demanded, panic filling her. God, now her cover was blown in the worst way! What had been the best sex of her life was quickly turning into the worst.

“Best sex of your life, huh? Is that why you snuck in here pretending to be a puppet?” he demanded, glaring down at her.

“What are you doing?” Brandi demanded. “Are you reading my thoughts? Get out of my head!”

She tried to get away from him but it wasn’t only her head the big Kindred was invading. Looking down, she saw that his long, thick shaft was still filling her to the root and the large swelling at the base of it was literally stuck inside her.

Oh my God, we’re like two mating dogs stuck together! How am I ever going to get away from him?

“Give it a minute for my fist to go down,” the big Kindred growled. “You’ll pull your damn insides out if you try to get away before it does.”

He still looked completely pissed off and Brandi realized she could feel that he was pissed off too. His emotions were inside her head like his voice was. How was he doing that? And how could she make it stop?

“You made me break my vow, you know,” he told her, glowering at her.

“Let me go!” Brandi started fighting to be free in earnest. Bracing her feet on the bed on either side of him, she began to twist and yank, trying to get free of the thick shaft invading her.

“Hold still!” the big Kindred snarled. No, Slade, his name is Slade, babbled a panicky little voice in her brain. “You’re going to hurt yourself if you don’t wait a fucking minute. Bonding sex usually takes time—my fist won’t go down right away.”

“Let me go!” Brandi insisted again. She had no idea what “bonding sex” was and she didn’t want to know. She just wanted to get away from him!

At last the huge swelling at the base of his cock began to deflate a little—like someone letting air out of a balloon—and Brandi was able to wiggle free.