Page 9 of Bonded by Accident

Does that mean you want to go through with this? whispered an incredulous little voice in her head. Are you really going to do this, Brandi? He’s huge! What if he hurts you?

But though there was urgency in the big Kindred’s voice when he talked about wanting her, there didn’t seem to be any violence in him. When he touched her, his big hands were gentle. Even though he thought she was a Pairing Puppet, Brandi didn’t think he’d hurt her.

Plus, he was so big and his hands were warm and he smelled amazing. Some rich, masculine spice pervaded the air around him, filled with notes of smoke and leather and male musk. It was intensely attractive. In fact, it made Brandi think of those ridiculous commercials for male body spray where the guy sprays himself and gets attacked by beautiful women a second later.

If they could bottle what this guy smells like, those commercials would be reality, she thought, inhaling deeply through her nose to get more of the delicious scent. I wouldn’t mind jumping his bones right now! Or letting him jump mine.

The thought made her feel giddy and sexy and scared and horny all at once. Oh God, this was so out of character for her! Ever since that fateful night with Earl in the backseat of his car had changed the entire trajectory of her life, Brandi had always been so careful about using protection during sex. But now it seemed like she was going to throw caution to the winds and give in to the overwhelming need she felt rising inside her.

“Come on, sweetheart,” the massive Kindred growled, taking her by the hand. “Let’s go upstairs so I can fill that sweet little pussy of yours with my cock.”

The rough, dirty words sent a surge through Brandi—a combination of fear and desire. She had to ask herself again—was she really going to do this?

The answer appeared to be hell yes.

She allowed the big Kindred to take her by the hand and lead her out of the main room where all the other girls sat silently. They left Crystal behind too and she had a moment to wonder if her cousin would go through with this as well. Brandi supposed she probably would. All she’d talked about in the shuttle on the way up to the Mother Ship was wanting to get some Kindred cock. So probably—

“Okay, sweetheart—here we are,” the massive Kindred interrupted her thoughts with a deep, growling voice. “So take me to your room.”

Chapter Four

Brandi looked up at him in surprise.

“My room?” she blurted before she could stop herself.

The Kindred looked surprised as well.

“You can talk?”

“I…um…” Brandi wasn’t sure what to say. Busted! whispered a little voice in her head. Now he’ll know you’re not a Pairing Puppet! You are going to get in soooo much trouble!

But the big Kindred’s next words made her feel relieved.

“Gods, the craftsmanship on you girls is fucking amazing,” he rumbled, looking down at her appreciatively. “I love that you can talk too—not just lie there and take it.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “You are programmed to react, right?’

“Oh, um…yes. Yes, I am,” Brandi dared to say. “Um…my room is this way,” she added.

Leading him down the long hallway full of doors which she assumed led to the rooms where the Pairing Puppets “serviced” their customers, she picked one at random and opened the door.

Inside was a well-appointed bedroom with a large four-poster bed in the center of the room. It had a deep red spread and plenty of pillows and the mattress looked thick and solid. There were no windows but gold and red pictures hung on the wall, adding to the ambiance. A warm, golden glow was coming from the corners of the rooms—the indirect lighting setting the mood even more. Sensuous music was playing softly and the air smelled fresh, as though the room had just been cleaned.

“Nice,” Brandi muttered. “Looks like a sex hotel.” Which was exactly what it was, she supposed.

“What was that, sweetheart?” The massive Kindred cocked an eyebrow at her. “Did you say something?”

“I, uh, said welcome to my room.” Brandi stepped inside, her heart pounding and the big Kindred followed her and shut the door behind them.

Almost at once, he took her in his arms. Burying his face in her hair again, he breathed her in, his muscular arms tightening around her like warm steel cables.

“God, baby, your scent is driving me fucking crazy,” he groaned softly. “You don’t know how bad I need you right now—need your sweet little pussy wrapped around my cock!”

Brandi felt weak with fear and lust as she felt his big, hard body connect with hers. God, he smelled so good. Was it some kind of cologne or just the natural scent of his skin? Whatever it was, it was making her feel incredibly hot. She’d never known that a scent could do that to her before but damn, the big Kindred’s scent was doing it now. Suddenly she could barely breathe she wanted him so much.