Page 56 of Bonded by Accident

“No, no—you haveta hold your pinky-finger out—like this!” Emmie had been demonstrating the correct tea party form and Slade copied her obligingly. When he caught sight of Brandi watching, he just grinned and shrugged his broad shoulders.

“Well, don’t you just look gorgeous, all dressed up like that?” Brandi had teased him, using their link.

“She wanted to play tea-party,” Slade sent back. “Actually it’s kind of fun but I think this hat is too small for me. Maybe we could order one in my size?”

Brandi laughed which got Emmie’s attention and then, of course, she was asked to join too. The tea party was a huge success and not just because Slade was getting along so well with her daughter. It was also a family moment, Brandi realized later. A time of unity and belonging—a good memory all three of them could cherish.

The tea party had melted something inside of Brandi—some last little bit of uncertainty about the big Kindred. It was then, she thought, that she finally allowed herself to completely give in to her feelings for him. It was then that she really started letting herself fall in love.

“I’m in love with you too, you know,” Slade rumbled in her head as they walked over the sand together.

“Oh, Slade! I’m sorry—I’m trying not to project so much,” Brandi sent back quickly.

“It’s okay.” He squeezed her hand and gave her a smile. “I don’t mind overhearing your thoughts—especially that one. I want to ask you something important tonight but I’d like it to be private. How would you feel about sending Bud and Emmie down on an earlier shuttle so we could have some time alone?”

“I think that would be fine.” Brandi’s heart started beating a little quicker. During this month of dating and getting to know each other, she and Slade had rarely been together alone. They almost always had Emmie and Bud with them because Slade had said, “We went too fast in the beginning, baby. Let’s take it slow for a little while.” So there have been no sex and just a few quick, stolen kisses that only made her hungry for more.

“Hungry for you too, baby,” Slade murmured through their link. “But later for that.”

They had come to the blanket-sized beach towel Brandi had brought and spread on the edge of the sandy circular beach. Bud had gotten into the cooler and laid out the sandwiches, fruit, chips and drinks and for Slade, an extra large jar of wasabi paste, which the big Kindred loved on just about everything.

“Mmm, I’m hungry!” Emmie exclaimed, clambering down from Slade’s shoulders with a little help as he settled on one side of the blanket.

“I thought you might be, sweetpea.” Bud smiled at her. “Come on and dig in.”

They did. And as they ate, Brandi couldn’t help looking sidelong at the big Kindred and wondering what he wanted to talk to her about. Whatever it was, she promised herself she would be open to it.

* * * * *

“Well, alone at last.” Brandi smiled and settled herself on the plush leather sofa in Slade’s living quarters.

“Yes, we are.” Slade smiled back and settled next to her. She looked fucking gorgeous today, he thought. She was wearing a deep red sundress that complimented her creamy skin and lush, full figure and looked amazing with her hair and eyes. But then, his mate could wear a paper sack and make it look sexy, in Slade’s opinion.

“Slade, stop it—you’re making me blush,” she sent through their link and Slade realized she had caught his thought.

“Sorry baby but it’s true,” he pointed out, grinning. “You’re so fucking beautiful I can’t keep my eyes off you.”

“So what is this you wanted to tell me…or ask me or whatever?” she asked, scooting closer to him.

“It’s actually something I want to show you and then something I want to ask you.” He looked serious as he took her hands in his. “Early on, you saw a pretty bad memory in my head, baby. It scared you and I don’t blame you for that—I haven’t always led the most quiet life.”

“Oh Slade, please—it’s okay,” Brandi hastened to reassure him. “I understand now. I know you have this…” She groped for the right word. “This potential for violence. But I also know that it’s not going to be directed at me or Emmie or anyone that you love. It only comes out when you feel threatened or when someone you care for is in danger.” She cocked her head at him. “Am I right?”

“You are.” Slade nodded gravely. “I’m so glad you understand that, sweetheart. But there are still some memories I’d like to show you…if you don’t mind looking.”

“I’ll look.” Brandi braced herself as she closed her eyes, to better embrace their link. She wondered what Slade was going to show her now. Would it be another fight from his prison days? Or maybe one of the battles from his days in the Blood Circuit? He’d told her a little about that part of his life and it sounded like he’d been a kind of gladiator.