Page 15 of Bonded by Accident

The minute the huge shaft slid out of her it was followed by a gush of his seed that wet the bed they were lying on like a flood.

Oh my God, how much did he come in me? It’s a damn good thing I’m on the pill or I’d be pregnant for sure, Brandi thought, staring down at the thick, pearly white cum still streaming out of her.

“I don’t know what pill you’re taking but there’s no way to prevent pregnancy with a Kindred,” Slade growled, still glaring at her. “I hope you’re happy sweetheart—in addition to forming a permanent bond with a complete stranger, I might have just planted a baby in that sweet little belly of yours. Is that what you wanted?”

Brandi had no words for this new, horribly scary idea. All she knew was that she had to get away from the huge Kindred—maybe if she put enough distance between them, she could get him out of her head.

Snatching up her blouse and pulling down her skirt, she rolled off the bed and darted from the room, getting away from him as fast as she could.

She ran down the corridor outside, pulling her blouse on as she went. What a disaster—she never should have listened to Crystal—never.

And now you might pay the price for it, whispered a little voice in her head. Just like you did on that night you agreed to go on a double date with her and wound up giving it up to Earl.

Inwardly, she cursed herself. Damn it—how could she be so careful for so many years and then repeat the exact same mistake all over again?

Brandi had no idea but she knew she had to get away—away from the big Kindred, away from the Mother Ship, and away from the terrible mistake she had just committed.

At this point, running was her only option and she didn’t intend to stop until she got home.

Chapter Five

“Damn it—I should have known she wasn’t a Pairing Puppet right from the start,” Slade muttered to himself angrily. There was no fucking away a puppet could smell so good—so sweet and fresh and real—or have such lifelike reactions. If he was being honest with himself, somewhere deep down inside he had probably known that.

But he hadn’t been with a female in so long and the damn eroto-lust stimulator had been tormenting him for so many years that he was desperate to sink his shaft into a willing pussy. And damn—he had to admit that she certainly had been willing. Right up until they formed a bond and he started communicating with her via their new mental link, anyway.

How is this even possible? Slade asked himself. I’m a fucking hybrid—we aren’t able to form bonds with females. So how can this be?

And how could it be that when his body finally did decide to bond, it was with a complete stranger instead of with his lovely, long-lost Cinda?

The memory of his dead mate made him angry and sad at the same time.

Damn it, Cinda—I’m so sorry! I never meant to cheat on you! Never meant to bond with that female…whoever she was.

And that was another question—who was she? Did she live here on the Mother Ship? Slade didn’t think so. She seemed to think very loudly—loudly enough that he could hear most of what she was projecting into his mind without meaning to.

She was thinking of getting off the Mother Ship—of getting back home to Earth, he thought. Well, fine—let her fucking go and good fucking riddance to the little liar.

But even as he thought it, he could still smell her sweet fragrance lingering in the air. Sinking his shaft to the hilt inside her warm, willing pussy had finally eased the terrible need the eroto-lust stimulator had caused but now he felt a new need growing inside him—a new desire for the mate he had never meant to take.

Fucking stop it! he told himself angrily. You already broke your vow to Cinda—don’t make it worse by thinking about the girl you broke it with.

Sighing, he rolled over and sat on the edge of the bed, resting his elbows on his knees wearily. Maybe if she went back down to Earth and they stayed away from each other this whole thing could just somehow go away.

Yeah, right, whispered a sarcastic little voice in his head. When have you ever heard of a soul-bond between a Kindred and his mate just going away? When you bond, you’re bonded for life. Plus, you pumped about a gallon of seed into her—she really could be pregnant right now and you know that’s your responsibility, whether you like it or not.

It was a sobering thought and no mistake. Slade had always liked young ones—he and Cinda had wished for one, even though they knew any child they had might be taken and sold by the master who owned them both. But she had never caught pregnant—it was probably one reason the master had decided to sell her…