I frown. “Hey,” I snap at him. “No wonder Wolf said you were an ass.”

Dracula laughs, his head going back. “Oh, Wolf. How is the old boy? He still mad I stole his girlfriend?”

“That was two hundred years ago,” Solon says. “I’d say he’s over it now.”

“Good to know,” Dracula says. Then he wraps the chain around his wrist and gives the woman’s neck a yank. “Deeper, sweetheart. I want to feel those tonsils.”

The woman responds by batting her eyelashes and deep throating him. Dracula hisses, his stronger fingers digging into the wood of the chair’s arms, then he’s coming with a loud groan.

And like a total fucking pervert, I’m watching this.

Then again, Kaleid and Solon are watching too, the looks in their eyes intense and smoldering. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but the smell of sex and the woman’s adrenaline is starting to turn everyone on at once. Now I totally get why vampires have so many orgies, it’s like sexual arousal is contagious among them.

Somehow, I manage to compose myself, ignoring the throbbing between my legs, wishing that I had Solon alone, and also wishing the beast wasn’t an issue.

Finally, when he finishes, Dracula swallows the rest of what I’m assuming is blood in the goblet and tosses it behind him. Then he gets to his feet, his cock bobbing freely, still-half hard and, well, impressive. I’m trying not to look, I swear I am, but it’s also impossible not to when it’s become the focal point of the room.

“Are you hungry?” Dracula asks, strolling over to us. “You must be after watching that.” He stops in front of Solon and appraises him. “I could have sworn you were more handsome before. Did you get ugly or something?”

“He hasn’t had blood in a long time,” Kaleid says. Then he jerks his thumb at me. “Neither has she.”

“Abstinence, hmmm,” Dracula muses. “That’s a different kink than I’m used to. I’d let you use my human, but I don’t like to share food.” Then he walks back to the woman (and I swear I’m not admiring his very tight bum) and picks up the chain, leading her away from the chair and toward the door. “Let me return her to her group,” he says. “Then we’ll all talk.”

He leaves the room and Kaleid starts after him, pausing at the door. “You wait here. I’ll be right back.”

Then Kaleid shuts the door behind him.

Solon and I are alone together for the first time in a long time.

“Well,” I say, crossing my arms and slowly walking along the carpet, taking in the sights of the room that wouldn’t be out of place in a BDSM sex club. “That was…something.”

Solon doesn’t say anything to that. Probably because it wasn’t much to him.

“So, is this some kind of sex room or something?” I go on, feeling strangely awkward for some reason. I think the feeling of the two of us being alone in here is too great, too overpowering, that I’m afraid of it. “Do people live here?”

Solon shakes his head, his eyes trained to my every movement. “Not in the gateway. Vampires will stay here of course, and this is where a lot of the feeding happens. I guess because it’s easiest access to the outside world, to the humans. All the other doors lead out, but this is the only one that leads in. The vampires, though, they live all over the city, just in this world instead of the normal one.”

I smell the air. It smells like Dracula’s cum, and the woman’s arousal, and hell, probably my arousal too. But there are other smells too, human smells. Adrenaline, perfume, blood. “Do they keep humans in this place? Like as pets?”

Solon grimaces. “That would seem a little too gruesome, even to me.”

Suddenly the door opens again and Kaleid steps in.

And he’s not alone.

There’s a man standing with him, shirtless, in a pair of swim trunks. A young man. Maybe my age. He has the face of a model—strong cheekbones, full lips, long lashes, pretty eyes, floppy thick hair. If everything wasn’t tinged red, I’d wager his hair was a chestnut brown, his eyes green, his skin tanned. He’s tall and there isn’t an ounce of fat or hair on his body, just a primed, lean, smooth specimen.

He’s also human.

“Who is this?” Solon asks sharply.

“This is Mathias,” Kaleid says, putting his hand on his shoulder. “He doesn’t speak English, but he understands what’s happening.”

I frown, bewildered. “And what’s happening exactly?”

“Mathias, hold out your arm,” Kaleid says.

Mathias does as he’s told, staring straight ahead, a strange smile on his face.

Kaleid reaches into his jean pocket and pulls out a sharp knife.

Before I can register what’s happening, Kaleid swipes the blade over Mathias’s inner bicep, cutting him. A gash of blood rushes to the surface, spilling over his soft skin, the scent filling the air, filling my nose, taking over my brain.