“I don’t want to,” he says gruffly.

“Because you don’t want to feed off of anyone but me?” I ask. “That’s sweet, but honestly, I don’t care. It’s not like sex. It’s food. You can feed and not screw the person you’re feeding off of, right?”

His gaze sharpens. “What do you think?”

“I’m going to assume you have some control in that area.” I mean, god, I hope that’s a given, because I think I’d rather risk a tussle with the beast than him sticking his dick in someone in a state of bloodlust and feeding frenzy. That would break me beyond a point of no recovery.

“I’ll be fine,” he says again, and jeez, he calls me the stubborn one. “I know how to handle periods of drought. You, on the other hand…”

“I’m not hungry,” I lie. I’m ravenous, and food isn’t cutting it. I’m getting by without blood and, honestly, I shouldn’t have any withdrawals for at least another week, and maybe it’s the circumstances, but I’ve been craving it like nothing else. My senses feel dulled, the spark inside me sputtering. It’s not just any blood either—I want Solon’s in particular.

But if he has to wait, then I have to wait.

I just don’t know what moment we’re waiting for.

And how long that will take.

Solon sighs, his expression disbelieving as his eyes skim my face. No doubt he heard what I was thinking just now too. “You should probably call your parents. Let them know where you are. And that you’ll be staying over here.”

My brow goes up. “I’m staying over here?”

“You didn’t sleep last night if you were with Jeremias, and I can guarantee once you take a moment for yourself, it’s going to hit you like a ton of bricks. Go upstairs. To your old bedroom. And stay.”

I rub my lips together, wondering if this is a good idea.

“Moonshine,” Solon says to me gently, “you’re safe here. Safer than you are with your parents. And you’re safe from me. I promise you that. Wolf is here. Ezra too. I’m giving you the space you need, but if you think you’re coming with us to Helsinki, well, then you better get used to being around me again.”

“I don’t think I’m going,” I tell him. “I am going.”

He nods. “Very well. Come on then.”

He briefly touches my elbow, leading me toward the doors and opening them. We both step through the ward and into the house, but while I go up a couple of steps, he stays where he is, staring up at me.

“Solon,” I say to him. “Do you trust Kaleid?”

He looks off to the side in thought, frowning. “No. I don’t. I don’t trust anyone but you.”

“Then why are you doing this?”

His lips twitch in amusement. “Because I know I can’t stop you, no matter what I say or do.” Then he turns serious. “And so, my dear, why do you want to do this?”

“I told you. It’s the right thing to do. And when I search deep inside, I know that this is supposed to happen. Whether we should trust Kaleid or not is irrelevant, because I’m supposed to go with him. I’m instrumental in helping defeat Skarde and you know it.” I pause. “Jeremias told me as much.”

His forehead creases. “And you trust him to tell you the truth?”

“He sees the future, Solon.”

“He’s a fucking evil warlock who hates vampires to no end,” Solon growls. “I wouldn’t believe a word he says.”

I sigh, knowing what he’s saying is true. “I know. But sometimes you have to put your trust in someone. You can tell Kaleid is telling the truth, I can tell Jeremias is. Doesn’t mean I’d make any bets, but I do believe he can see the future because I feel the future. And I know this is supposed to happen this way, as woo woo as it sounds.”

“Woo woo?” Solon repeats, a line between his brows.

I laugh. “Yeah. Woo woo. Like, mystical, magical shit.”

“You know you’re a witch, right? You can just call it magic.”

“We’ll see,” I tell him, smiling despite myself, briefly feeling the slip back into old times. Then, before I can dwell on it much longer, I turn around and head up the stairs, leaving Solon behind.



Three days later, Solon and I are up before dawn to catch the flight to Helsinki. Kaleid stayed at the Ritz, a fancy ass just like his brother, which was understandable since none of the vampires wanted him in the house. Even Yvonne put her foot down, and she’s not always that savvy when it comes to the different vampires in Solon’s life.

I haven’t seen Kaleid since. Solon has gone to meet up with him at the hotel bar a few times, I guess to discuss the plan or perhaps try to dissuade Kaleid from involving me. But neither of them has a say in my participation anymore. Even if Kaleid changed his mind or tried to scare me off, I’d find some other way there.