“My father wouldn’t retreat,” I say slowly. “He wants to remain in control, in reach of his subjects. To go so deep into the other worlds, where not even Kaleid can get to him…he’s risking the loss of power. How does he know vampires won’t start deferring to Kaleid instead?”

Onni shrugs. “Kaleid has wondered that same thing. So it has to be for a reason. A big reason. It’s why I’m here. To convince you to come to Helsinki, so you can team up with your brother and put an end to it.”

I stare at Onni like he’s lost his bloody mind, because he can’t seriously believe the words he’s sprouting. “You can’t be serious. Team up? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?”

“I know, but I am serious. Look at me, Absolon, you know that I am.”

It’s hard for vampires to lie to each other. Hard, but not impossible. “You’re a good man Onni, but you’re as dumb as a fucking post. You really think I’m going to go to Finland on your word that Kaleid wants to work with me?”

Onni looks rebuffed. “You don’t trust me?”

“No,” I tell him sharply. “I don’t trust anyone. It’s why I’m still alive.” I pause, studying him for a moment. I can tell he’s telling the truth, which is the weird thing, but all it means is that he believes it. “You do realize this is a trap, right? Did Kaleid actually ask for me, or was this your idea?”

Onni looks me dead in the eye. “He asked for you. He told me to bring you to Helsinki if I could.”

My eyes narrow, hackles raising. “Bring me?” I repeat coldly. “By any means necessary?”

He gives me a wry smile. “You know that would be impossible with you. All I can do is plead his case and ask politely.”

I hesitate. “Did he mention Lenore?” I ask.

“Your little witch?” Onni asks. If I hadn’t picked up on the affection in his voice, I probably would have torn him in two for using such a condescending phrase. “No.”

Hmmm. Kaleid would know that Lenore destroyed Yanik, but if he isn’t asking for her, then at least she’s not a target. If this was a trap. Which it is.

“Well, I think you know where I stand on this,” I tell Onni, before finishing the wine and getting to my feet. “I don’t think you’re lying, but you can hardly blame me for not trusting my brother. If he truly wanted—needed—my help, he would prove it by coming here, in my domain. For me to go to Helsinki would be walking into a noose and, forgive me, but my life has just started to get interesting again. Wouldn’t want to end it so soon.”

I eye Wolf, not forgetting to be a good host. “Do you think Onni’s dinner is ready yet?”

Onni sits up straight, eyes wide with excitement, pupils turning red with hunger. “Ooh, I had almost forgotten. I can’t remember the last time I had American blood. Please tell me it’s a male. A young one.”

“Beggars can’t be choosers on a short notice,” Wolf says to him. “We have a female in her early thirties. Sorry to disappoint you.”

Onni waves him away and gets out of his seat. “No disappointment here. I’m sure she’ll taste just fine. Besides,” he gestures to the room, “it’s all part of the experience here. It’s just so…neat and tidy not having any bodies to dispose of. Sure, you lose the thrill of the kill, but I suppose consent is popular these days. You know, Absolon, but Kaleid has started to copy you.”

I raise my brow. “Copy me?”

“A little.” He squeezes his finger and thumb together in show. “He now has a den outside of the Red World. He has some humans he likes to keep around. They live with him. He feeds from them. Oh, and they want to be there, don’t worry. No different than your little volunteers here. Before, he was insatiable, perhaps to gather strength to fight your father, so much so that the Helsinki police started raising the alarm of a serial killer in the city. For a while he started importing Russians from St. Petersburg, but that got a little dicey. Guess your, er, respectable approach to feeding is rubbing off on him.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it,” I tell him, putting my hand on his shoulder and leading him to the donor in the Dark Room.

And I won’t be seeing it, that much I know is true.



“Wow. You’re hella drunk,” Amethyst says as she puts my arm around her shoulder. “Like, actually drunk.”

“You’re drunk too,” I remind her. I can walk, so I don’t need her support, but I am delighted in the fact that I can’t walk in a straight line. Fucking eh, I did it. I drank enough to feel human again.