His nostrils flare, pupils burning with crimson. “Get to your feet.”

Thanks to my vampire grace, I’m able to get to my feet easily, even in heels with my hands in chains.

He moves forward on his knees, his face at my crotch, staring up at me with fire that singes my skin. He reaches up with his large rough hands and palms my breasts, pinching and squeezing my nipples until I gasp, then lets his hands slowly trail down over my stomach, down between my thighs.

“Spread your legs wider,” he murmurs, his eyes still locked on mine.

I oblige, taking as wide a stance as possible in these high heels.

Solon reaches around my hips, placing his hand at the small of my back to steady me and keep me in place, then dips his mouth between my legs.

Still staring up at me.

Never breaking eye contact.

I’m shivering with the bone-deep intimacy of it all, how deeply he seems to stare into my soul, how I would never be so vulnerable and trusting with anyone else, just as his lips brush over clit, his hand reaching up and spreading me open for him.


My eyes pinch closed, my mouth falling open, his tongue dipping low and licking up a wet, wide path, the sound so loud in the stillness of this other world. I wobble on my heels for a moment, trying to stay on my feet, the chains rattling, and then he’s gripping me harder, his tongue digging deep inside me.

I cry out loudly, back arching, the dam ready to burst, but he pulls his face away just in time. I feel him blow hot air on my clit, which makes me throb with a deep, delicious ache, and I stare down at him to see him smiling wickedly.

“Tease,” I tell him, my voice breaking with lust and tightly wound desperation.

He doesn’t say anything to that. He doesn’t need to. He knows exactly what he’s doing. I come so damn easily with him that it’s not uncommon for me to come multiple times when he goes down on me, but he loves to draw it out as much as possible. Prince of Darkness; King of Edging.

Then he buries his head in deeper, tongue thrust up inside of me and I’m almost screaming from how badly I want to come, wanting so badly for him to touch my clit again.

And then he does.

With his fangs.

The sharp prick catches me off-guard for a moment and I suck in my breath, holding it in my chest while he gently drags his fangs over my clit.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

So sharp. So hungry.

And I’m waiting, waiting for the bite.

He clamps down, fangs piercing my skin.

“Fuck!” I cry out, my voice strangling in my throat. The pain of his bite is sharp and deep and delicate and it obliterates my mind. It stings and throbs as the blood pulses through me, then soothes in the most satisfying way, like each burst of agony is its own orgasm, its own hit of relief. With each precise bite, each strong suck of my blood through his lips, I’m brought to new heights until I’m coming hard, writhing on his face, riding his mouth like a woman possessed.

And Solon has given into the bloodlust, just as I had earlier. If he can’t regain control, well, I guess there are worse ways to die than during an endless orgasm.

Eventually, somehow, Solon manages to regain control. I don’t know how long I’ve been standing here for, with Solon feasting on me, sucking my clit, drinking my blood, making me come over and over and over again, but I think all the muscles in my body have been filleted and my knees are about to buckle.

“Solon,” I say through a ragged gasp, “I can’t.”

And then I’m falling forward and he’s catching me in his arms, just as the chains go taut, pulling at my wrists. He holds me up, smoothing the hair off my face, staring at me with wild eyes, my blood all over his mouth.

“Are you okay?” he asks, breathing hard, his concern fighting through the hunger.

I manage to nod. “You literally made me come until I couldn’t stand. So yeah, I’m okay.”

He smirks, self-satisfied. Then he leans in and kisses me on the forehead and gets to his feet, pulling me back up. I lean against his warm hard chest, hear his heartbeat slowing, and he uncuffs me from the chains until I’m free again. I shake out my arms to get feeling back into them.

“Now you know what goes on in here,” he says to me, running the back of his fingers over my cheek. “You’re a lot less delicate than I thought.”

“You should know that about me by now,” I tell him, even though, yeah, this was a shock to my system. A shock to the girl I used to be. But I’m not that girl anymore. I’m Solon’s and I belong to him, body and soul and blood.