“That’s pretty high praise.” Ellis enters the kitchen, an empty tray in her hands. She insisted on doing all the serving, catering, and getting everyone drinks even though this is supposed to be her party. She sees it more like a gathering of friends and family or a good old-fashioned barbeque since she wasn’t even sure what an engagement party was supposed to be.

“You deserve it.” Leandra rushes over and takes the tray from Ellis’ hands. “You shouldn’t be doing that. It’s your party!”

“I tried to tell her, but she won’t listen.”

Ellis flushes with pleasure, comes to stand beside me, and loops her arm around my waist. I do the same, tucking her in tight against me. “I might be serving snacks and making sure no one goes thirsty, but this is supposed to be for everyone.”

“Yeah, to celebrate you guys!” Leandra says. “And my evil brothers are eating your cake before it’s time.”

“That’s okay. I don’t mind,” Ellis assures her with a wink. “We actually have a second one hidden in the fridge. It’s carrot because I heard that was someone’s favorite.”

“Carrot?” Taylen perks up. “Fridge?”

“No way! That one you have to wait for!” Ellis exclaims.

Toren rolls his eyes. “Gross. And you two are gross too. So grossly in love. I have to admit, though, that wearing the cursed ring looks good on you, Ellis. You both actually seem happy.”

“I think that’s a compliment.”

“Oh, it’s a compliment.” Leandra shakes her head at her brothers, one after the other. “It’s definitely a compliment. We can’t wait for Ellis to officially be a Cromwell. And we’re happy the curse worked out for you, even if you did flake out of our pact.”

Granny, who has been suspiciously quiet all this time, snorts. “Pact? Good god, that pact. I still can’t believe you all united against me to try and thwart me. Mark my words that they’ll come for you. You’ll all find your soulmates and end up like Ash and Ellis. Happy and in love. Is that so bad? Is that such a terrible thing for a loving grandmother to hope for?”

“A meddling grandmother, you mean,” Kirian mutters under his breath.

He narrowly avoids getting a cuff on the back of the head from Granny, who stalks quickly around the kitchen, hunting down my brother and cousins. They laugh and scatter like they’re five-year-old kids getting chased out of the kitchen so they don’t spoil their dinner with the tempting dessert that’s laid out.

Granny just shakes her head, leaving Ellis alone with me in the kitchen.

“I know for a fact that you used to think of me as Ash Asswell. I hope you won’t think of yourself as Ellis Asswell, though it does have a nice ring to it.”

She twirls the cursed ring around her finger and giggles. “This ring has a nice ring to it. Even if your last name were Asswell, I’d bear it proudly.” Her eyes sparkle when she looks up at me. “Thank you for all of this. I think there should be a word we use instead of the word curse because this ring was just the beginning of a ton of blessings for me.”

“Oh really?” I set my hands at her waist, and she looks up at me adoringly.

“Well, we now have plants and a cat. My dad works for your granny and is happier than I’ve ever seen him, and I also work for your granny, which is amazing because you know how much I love my job. I’ve even come around to liking your art, but don’t tell anyone I said that.”

I laugh and bend my head to nuzzle the spot near her ear. “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”

She tilts her head and leans into the kiss I place on her neck. Ellis inhales sharply and pulls back just a little. I can tell by the way her eyes are shining that she’s going to tell me something profound and wonderful. She does it from time to time—okay, all the time—and it’s probably what I love most about her. She doesn’t hold back. Not with the bad, not with the good. She’s very open, and she’s taught me so much about communication. She’s taught me about friendship, loyalty, what it takes to make it work with someone, and how to blend two lives into one.

“You know, I feel so loved that it sometimes takes my breath away.”

Only Ellis would say things like that. In my world, at least, she’s the only one. I kiss her soundly before wrapping my hands around her waist and lifting her onto the island, only inches away from the cake.

“Whoa,” she protests happily. “Don’t ruin it for everyone. A few licks are one thing. Putting the imprint of my butt in it is another.”

“Don’t give me ideas.”

One brow cocks deviously. “Don’t or do?”