“No!” Ash leans back, and his head hits the floor with a loud thud that had to have hurt. He groans, and I gasp.

“Are you okay?”

“I…yes. Yes, I might die of mortification, but I’ll survive.”

I run my hand slowly over his shaft. He’s quite impressively built as I can barely wrap my hand around him. But I love watching him throb, and I love watching the beads of moisture leak from his swollen tip. I also love seeing how I can make him feel like this.

“What do you mean mortification?”


I stroke my hand slowly over the shaft again, circling the tip with my wrist and running my thumb over it to gather the droplets of moisture there before I just concentrate on it. Ash grinds his teeth. Loudly.

“Oh, I see.”

“Yeah, I…can we do a dummy round?”

“A dummy round? You want to play cards now?” I keep massaging him, and his whole body trembles with his effort to stay under control. I’d like to see what happens when he loses control because it would be pretty awesome. I mean, maybe not as awesome as what I just got to do, which I still can’t believe I did, because generally, I’m pretty shy, but it would be right up there for sure.

I don’t stop stroking him. I keep working his dick, and then with my other hand, I give his balls a special tickle, which is really more of a slow grab and roll motion.

Ash makes a sound like he had his mouth open, a mouse came by and got curious, things happened, one thing led to another, and he ended up swallowing it.

“G…god,” Ash chokes. “What do you think you’re doing? That is not taking it slow.”

“I didn’t realize we were supposed to. Is that what a dummy round means?”

“A d…dummy round means…argh, I can’t think while you’ve got my balls in your hand like that.”

I concentrate instead on running my hand up and down the very long length of his shaft. He’s equally as long as he is thick. Well, I mean, no, not equal, but you know, equally as impressive. I lower myself so that my mouth is just inches away from his dick, and Ash starts sputtering.

“A dummy round is a round where we get the first one out of the way. I…this is…yeah. It’s just I…yeah.”

“Oh. You’re worried about coming fast. About as fast as I came on your face?”

“Umpph!” he murmurs. “Something like that.”

I flick my tongue out and taste the drops of precum at the tip of his dick. They’re salty and delicious. My pussy clenches hard, and a rush of wetness trickles down my thighs. I feel empty inside, achy. I might have just had one killer climax—yes, on top of Ash’s face, no less—but it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like another.

I’m normally not like this. Not bold, not needy, and also, things generally don’t ache like this. My experience of sex has been more of the bland variety, where halfway through, I start wishing I declined the invitation and treated myself to some me-time instead, which is usually about five minutes long from start to finish. It always involves my fingers only, nothing more adventurous. Also, I never confide these things to friends. I mean, I do have some friends, but I have no best friend that I go into details with about these things, but I know if I did, they’d tell me I have a very sad, lacking sex life. It’s just that I was always busy. My journalism classes were challenging and demanding. In high school, I was too busy dealing with the fallout of my mom passing away, what it did to me, and how it changed my family dynamic to worry about messing around and being a regular teenager. In college, as I said, I was just busy. I’ve never been overly adventurous between the sheets, and I was a journalism major, not a freaking science major, so I left the experimenting to other people.

“You’re thinking about something now. I really hope it bodes well for my dick because you have a strange expression on your face. You’re either concentrating or plotting something diabolical.”

“Would diabolical be so bad?” I wink at Ash. I have no idea who just jumped into my body and replaced the real me because this is so unlike me. Then, I get a glimpse of my hand with the ring, which is curled around Ash’s shaft. Oh, yeah. Right. The curse.

If this is cursed sex, maybe I don’t ever want to go back to being uncursed.

“So, a dummy round. Okay.” I lean forward and let my tongue curl around Ash’s cock. His hips rock forward, gently pushing his erection between my lips. He draws back after, coughing out an apologetic cough.

Now that I’ve had a taste, I want more, which surprises me because I’m honestly not one of those girls who like doing this. In fact, I’ve never really seen the attraction of oral. I’m certainly not someone who would climb onto someone’s face and ask, out loud, if it was okay to come there, but apparently, I am now one of those people.