“Yes, please. I wish you would.” I can’t believe I just said that, but I’m not worried about it sounding lame. I guess what I really can’t believe is that we’re here doing this, and it’s happening already. I have every intention of slowing things down after this. If we’re going to be cursed, we might as well make the most of it. Make it memorable. Take our sweet time with it.

Ellis starts writhing above me, swaying to a tune only she can hear, but man, it must be a great one. Spontaneous classical music bursts in my head at about the same time the light show starts behind my closed eyes. I wonder if she knows it’s quite possible I’m enjoying this more than she is. Okay, maybe an equal amount because she’s pretty into it, and it’s super, super hot.

I love how we’re naked, and Ellis has her head thrown back, which I can feel more than I can see. I also love how her breathing is ragged, and she’s panting and writhing all over the place, shamelessly soaking my chin, cheeks, and mouth. And I especially love the taste of her, which is both sweet and spicy.

She rocks against my face, gyrating her hips in a perfect rhythm. I do my best to give her what she needs, but she also does her best to make it easy for me. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to find the perfect rhythm with someone, and sometimes it’s just instant.

“Do you have any idea how hot you are?” I choked out while she’s rocking hard against my tongue.

“No,” Ellis giggles. “Not at all. But yes…keep…mmm, yeah. Right there! Yes, sweet nectarines, just like that. With your tongue. Right. There.”

Her commands are easy to follow, so even my addled brain can understand and comply.

“Oh god,” she whispers, and then she’s gone.

Her pussy clenches around my tongue while she rocks and sways gently above me, riding out the waves with soft little gasps. I like that she doesn’t scream or yell or shout my name. I like how, for the most part, she hardly makes a sound at all. If she had screamed my name, it would have been okay too, but somehow, those soft whimpers and gasps are so over the top sexy that I have to think about my granny doing what she always does—being horribly inappropriate and dropping nasty details of her sex life—just to keep myself in line.

Having an intimate experience where you come together is one thing, but this would not be it because this would be me blowing my load about eight years too early. So, I roughly tell my dick that it’s not his turn yet. Unfortunately, my dick doesn’t like to listen and take commands from my brain. Instead, my dick gives me the facts and tells me there is a wonderful, beautiful, sensual, and fearless woman riding out the aftershocks of her climax on my face with my tongue thrust up inside her, her inner muscles clenching all around it while she soaks my face.

Yeah, it’s kind of hard to argue with that. I see the bastard’s point.

“Holy sweet peaches,” Ellis whispers above me.

“I agree,” I whisper back.

She slowly wriggles off me, and I guide her down to me gently, so she’s straddling my chest. She leans in with a sigh, kisses me deeply, and rolls her tongue over my lips, tasting and savoring herself on me. She coaxes my mouth open and thrusts her tongue in, stroking mine hotly.

I go back to thinking thoughts about my grandmother before embarrassing things happen with my two biscuits and sausage. Oh, how breakfast of you. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the sound of my dick mocking my futile attempts to control it.

Ellis grazes her teeth on my bottom lip before she sucks it into her mouth and licks away the sting.

Oh, god, I’m definitely breakfasted now.

“What can I do for you?” she rasps. Then, she smiles coyly at me, and I’m so nearly finished that I can’t think of a single thing to say.

Without waiting for me to answer, she shifts down and very neatly wraps her small palm around the shaft of my dick. I’m still speechless. She moves her hand up and down in a slow, tantalizing motion, and I realize she wasn’t the only one who was extremely wet.

“Is this okay?”

Maybe, at this point, I look like I’m dying. Do I look all pinched and pruney? It would be embarrassing to give off vibes of me not enjoying this. Her hand works me slowly, and when she looks up at me, all I can do is blurt out one word.




I’m not sure what breakfast means. Maybe it’s his safe word. A code word? Something dirty I haven’t heard of? “If you’re hungry, I can—”