“Where would I run to?” Her sigh is meant to be sarcastic, but it comes out in a way that makes my cannonballs feel like they’re going to blow me to bits.

I look her in the eyes this time, and she meets my gaze, challenging me with every bit as much intensity as I feel. “If I took you to my room, would you—”

“Or for the love of pity peter pumpkin patch, just kiss me already.”

She wraps her hands around my neck again and pulls me into her. Our mouths meet, and I devour every bit of her mouth like she’s the candy store, and I’m the kid with zero self-control. I grasp her around the waist, but she jumps, so my intention of swinging her up like a damsel-in-distress is entirely thwarted. She wraps her legs around my hips, and holy sweet sugary shucks, her core is sans panties, sans towel, sans anything. I can feel her heat through my jeans, which is a dangerous thing when I’m already next to just about zero control.

Ellis attacks my mouth and tugs at my hair so hard that my scalp nearly ignites. My entire body feels heavy with need.

“Bedroom,” Ellis rasps against my mouth. “Now!”

It’s a pretty clear directive, and what do you know, I’m suddenly not directionally challenged at all. I get there just fine, clearing the door even while her tongue is in my mouth and my brain is going haywire.

My king-sized bed is waiting like a divan made for a queen. I mean to set Ellis on it gently, but as soon as I’m halfway across the room, she scrabbles against me and tears her mouth from mine.

“Set me down,” she demands.

My arms obey, quite literally, and she nearly drops on her bottom. It’s a good thing I catch her halfway down. She lets out a grunt but doesn’t miss a beat. Her towel drops, and I’m so stunned by the sight of her glorious curves, perfect breasts, flat belly, curvy hips, and sleek legs—yeah, I do notice all that and not just the obvious spots—that I miss her hands moving until they’re tugging the hem of my shirt.

“Take it off,” she commands. “I want to admire and stare at all your man muscles.”

I gulp. She grapples with my shirt, and I have to help her when it gets lodged at my shoulders. I scrabble at it, too, my fingers barely working. The shirt gets stuck halfway up my face, gives my nose a good tug, and stings against my eyes and forehead. With a grunt, I lift my arms, freeing myself from the cloying contraption.

“Ahhhh,” Ellis sighs when it hits the floor somewhere behind me. “That’s much better.”

“So you admit you like it?”

“Yes, I’ll admit it. When did I say I didn’t?” She puts her hands to her hips, and since she’s standing there naked, I can’t help but think it looks incredibly comical, and I have to struggle not to grin.

Grinning would make me seem smug, and I don’t want to appear that way. There’s plenty of time for that after I strip my jeans off.

“I said I didn’t like you,” she clarifies. “I even said you were an asshole and that your art sucked. But I never said you weren’t all muscly and full of dimples. Wait! Turn around!” Her tone is so commanding that I just do it without thinking. “Ooooh!” she sighs. “You have butt dimples too.”

“What the heck are butt dimples?”

“The things above your butt. Those two indents. They’re very nice on you.”

“Should I take off my jeans so you can appraise the rest of me?” I ask with a laugh.

I swear Ellis’ pupils grow to twice their size. “Yes,” she grunts thickly. “You definitely should.”

This might be the strangest way I’ve ever undressed in front of someone, but it’s also kind of hot. Well, okay, it’s super hot. Who doesn’t like to take commands from a beautiful, sexy, naked woman who is getting more and more turned on with every bit of clothing I strip off?

I go slowly, unbuttoning my jeans, unzipping them, and never taking my eyes off Ellis. She also never takes hers off me, and they widen when I pull my jeans and boxers down. I try to make it seem like a confident, fluid motion, but then I kind of miss when I try to step out of the one pant leg and end up pitching forward. My leg is still in the other as well, so I pitch off to the side when I try and right myself.

“Gaaahh!” The floor comes up fast, but I manage to break my fall by ending up on my ass.

“Hmm,” Ellis sighs. “That was incredibly romantic.” She walks over, kneels in front of me— yes, kneels in front of me—and starts stripping off my jeans. They’re caught inside out, and she has to tug hard even though they’re not tight. Eventually, she strips them off and stares at me. It would be disconcerting if her eyes weren’t all smoky, her lips weren’t parted, and she wasn’t looking at me with a shit ton of obvious desire.