“I don’t want to keep you from club business,” he said. “Some of the guys don’t share shit with their women, and that’s fine. With you, I don’t want any secrets between us.”

“Oh,” she said.

He’d told her everything. About Steel, the Skull Nation, the listening device. He didn’t leave anything out. Brick had asked her if she remembered someone called Steel from the lumber yard, and she hadn’t. At work, she’d been made to stay well clear of the biker club.

She gladly stayed away from them.

Sitting on the sand on an oversized beach towel, the sun beaming down at her, her thoughts were on the Skull Nation. From the moment they walked into the shop, she knew they were bad news, but hadn’t said anything. At the time, she needed the work, and years of learning to look the other way with how she grew up, she had done so as well.

“Hey, baby,” Brick said, coming out and handing her a cocktail.

She removed her glasses as she looked at him. “Hey.”

He pressed a thumb to her forehead. “What’s got you frowning?”

She was a little distracted by his nakedness. Brick refused to wear any clothes, so his full muscular body, covered in ink, was on display. He looked droolworthy. She was glad there were no other women around for her to be jealous of. No one else would look at her man.

“Skull Nation.”

“Don’t let it bother you, babe. Believe me, we’ve got it more than handled.”

“But I think there is a way I can help you.”

“Not happening. You’re not being used as bait or any of that shit.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not talking about bait. I’m talking about the shop. I know I didn’t handle them, but Jeff did. He had to have started a paper trail, right?”

“Not if they paid cash for everything.”

She frowned. “No, we would have still had to do an invoice or something. There was too much stuff moving.”

Brick took a sip of his cocktail. She couldn’t help but laugh as it had a little umbrella perched on the edge, with lots of cherries in it.

“Are you mocking me?” he asked.

“The image, it doesn’t quite add up.”

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She cried out as some of her drink spilled down her body.

“Look what you did,” she said.

“Look what I did.” His tongue traced the path that her drink had taken. Her eyes closed, and her mind went straight to where his tongue traced down. She felt the cold spill of liquid close to her bikini bottoms.

She touched his face. “No, no, I have to finish what I’m saying.” She had to stay on track before he directed her thoughts to far more pleasurable things. “When we get back. I can go into the office.”

“Not happening. I don’t want you near that asshole. You no longer have a job there anyway, remember?”

“I was a good worker. I heard Jeff was struggling to keep staff.”

“How did you hear that?”

“When I was grocery shopping, one of the women in line was talking about him being a horrible man to work for, and that she’d quit after a single day. He’s mean, it’s no lie. I stuck around because I needed the job.”

“And if you think I’m going to put you in that position again, you’re fucking mistaken.”

She pressed her lips to his, silencing him. Once she had him distracted, she broke the kiss. Their cocktails were long forgotten, being soaked up by the sand where they’d fallen. “I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, and it’s one of the many reasons I love you.”

“Good of you to remember.”

“I’m part of your club now,” she said. “I couldn’t bear for anything to happen to you. I don’t even want to think about it.”

“Then don’t.”

“Then let me do this.”


“Brick, if I can get that job back, I can find the paperwork.”

“Assuming he hasn’t burned it.”

“He still has to run a business, and for tax reasons, he has to keep the paperwork for a length of time. Trust me. I can make this work.” She wanted to help the club. They were her family, her friends. Once she had her college diploma, she’d be even more of an asset.

Brick pressed his head against her chest. His tongue danced between the valley of her tits, and she couldn’t help but chuckle from his onslaught. “You’re not playing fair.”

“I don’t want you to ever be hurt. I know what that fucker is capable of, and if he does anything…”

“Two weeks. That’s all I’ll need. Two weeks when we get back. A week for him to watch me like a hawk and for him to build up trust again. The next week for me to take over, and to, you know, find everything.”

He stared at her.

She waited.

“You know it’s a good idea,” she said.