Page 49 of Moon Flower

Mr. Blackburn seemed to shake himself out of it, however. “Now, you are welcome to sit here and chat with me. It’s your company I look forward to most. Life as a bachelor can sometimes be lonely.”

“We enjoy your company as well, but it’s not necessary to change course.” Azriel swallowed roughly. “This evening is about what you desire, sir.”

“Are you certain?”

Galen and Azriel bowed their heads in deference.

“Very well,” Mr. Blackburn said, taking his seat in the corner. “Please undress each other.”

Giving Galen and Azriel something to do with their hands was useful in refocusing them on each other. Galen sighed as he helped Azriel out of his underclothes. Both of their pricks were half plump from the effort, and Galen looked forward to getting lost in Azriel again.

They stood facing each other, waiting for instruction, but Mr. Blackburn appeared to either be debating with himself or possibly only ratcheting up their anticipation—which would take little at this point.

“I would like to watch you kiss.”

“Kiss, sir?” Azriel asked, trembling slightly.

“Yes, kiss. For now.”

Galen’s mouth had only come in contact with another’s lips a handful of times, in a frenzy of passion and so fleeting that he could hardly remember the act, and certainly didn’t recall enjoying it.

His insides twisted up, not only in anticipation, but also with nerves, and Azriel had trouble meeting his eyes. What if Azriel didn’t particularly like the idea? But did it matter? Mr. Blackburn was the customer, and he wanted to watch two men kissing.

How did they even begin?

When their eyes finally met, Galen’s stomach fluttered with something other than nerves—desire and yearning, and so overwhelming that he saw stars dancing before his eyes.

Uncertain whether Azriel would ever relax his rigid stance, Galen decided to take the initiative, even if it meant an awkward fumbling between them. His fingers reached up to carefully flutter against Azriel’s jaw, which only seemed to make Azriel brace himself further. Galen stepped back, not wanting to cause alarm.

He’d apparently responded too rashly, because Azriel shook his head and stretched his hand to encircle Galen’s wrist, then placed Galen’s fingers back in their original position.

“Are you all right?” Galen whispered.

Azriel nodded, his aura pulsing in purples and magentas. “Sorry, suppose I’m being shy.”

“I’m feeling the same. Perhaps we can be shy together.”

They’d done plenty more by now, but something about the notion of their lips meeting made the air around them crackle with a different sort of awareness and intensity. This would not be done in the frenzy of an impassioned moment. Nonetheless, their mouths would soon be meeting—even if it was per Mr. Blackburn’s request—and it made Galen’s stomach swoop with anticipation. Except Azriel needed him to proceed slowly, which suited Galen as well.

Galen stepped close enough to tilt his forehead against Azriel’s, and they breathed the same air for a few intense seconds, their noses touching, their lips closer than ever before. In a renewal of confidence, Galen drew back to look into Azriel’s eyes before leaning in again. When Azriel didn’t flinch, Galen brushed their mouths together so softly, it made his lips tingle.

Azriel sighed, which immediately calmed Galen—at least where his stomach was concerned. His heart continued to pump erratically, making gooseflesh break over his skin.

Undeterred, Galen fitted their mouths together again, and when Azriel’s lips parted on a moan, Galen felt he’d been allowed a moment of such perfect intimacy…one he’d never wanted so badly before. The tip of his tongue met Azriel’s and tangled for a few slow seconds. Azriel’s fingers slid beneath Galen’s ear and curled against his nape, holding him in place as Galen explored his mouth, the current in the air igniting all around them.

Soon Galen felt utterly lost in his taste and scent as his stomach filled with a prickly heat that felt foreign to him. It was as if Mr. Blackburn wasn’t even in the room—he was silent, allowing them this intimacy, and Galen didn’t dare look and break the spell they were under.

His knees began quivering, Azriel felt heavy as he swayed against him, so he sat down on the edge of the bed, bringing Azriel with him. There was no protest from Mr. Blackburn as they continued kissing, their tongues tangling in a sultry dance.

Azriel’s fingers stroked over his cheeks and through his hair, tugging at the fine locks just as they did when Galen was on his knees for him. Galen groaned, enjoying how his scalp stung in the frenzy of their kissing. It made his bollocks draw up and his prick stand at attention, the wet friction of Azriel’s tongue making him want to get closer, so he hauled Azriel against his body, fitting their chests together.

Mr. Blackburn seemed to understand the need that arose in Galen, because he finally spoke in a hoarse voice. “Please, use the bed at your leisure, but only spend by rubbing your bodies together.”