That distraction being a fuck with a stranger who isn’t named Arietta and doesn’t resemble her in the least.

I found a woman with dark hair, green eyes, and a promise that she could swallow my cock in a way I’d never experienced before.

Since my dick has always been open for any new adventure with a woman, I paid for our drinks and suggested we take our party for two to the hotel down the street.

We didn’t make it into the lobby before I spotted a petite blonde wearing a purple dress, red ballet flats, and eyeglasses getting out of a taxi.

That was it.

My dick mistook her for Arietta, and any interest I had in the cock-swallowing brunette evaporated.

I bid her farewell before I had a chance to book a room.

I’ve moved onto Plan B.

I’m in the lobby of my assistant’s apartment building, hoping like hell that I’ve beat Lowlife here.

If I get upstairs and he’s got her in bed, I’ll toss him out the window.

I stroll across the lobby, noting the smile on the doorman’s face. He waves a hand in greeting even though we’ve never met. That’s the sign of a good man. He’ll make an effort to be friendly to a stranger regardless of whether it benefits him or not.

Once I reach the bank of elevators, I push a finger into the call button, again and again. I’m eager to see my assistant. When she opens her apartment door to find me standing there with a bouquet of pink and red roses, I hope to hell I’ll figure something out that will halt her date in its tracks.

The sound of whistling turns me around.

Fuck me.

Lowell is on the approach with a trio of withering daises in his hand.


“Hey,” he calls out to me in a nasal tone. “It looks like we both have hot dates lined up.”

My stomach churns as I respond. “Your date is going to be disappointed if that’s all you’ve got.”

His gaze drops to the almost-dead flowers in his palm before it shifts to the fresh bouquet in mine. “Like the flowers really matter.”

He steps on the elevator first when the doors slide open. He jabs a finger into the button labeled 20 before he perks his left brow. “Where are you headed, dude?”

“Same floor,” I bite out.

He leans back on his heel. “I’m on my way to see a cute one. Even her name is sweet. Arietta.”

My fist clenches around the flowers as I silently stare at him.

“I’m getting laid tonight.” He elbows me as he rakes a hand through his hair. “I can taste it already.”

My eye catches on the gold band wrapped around his ring finger. With my teeth clenched together, I step closer to him. “You’re fucking married.”

Chuckling, he shakes his head. “Thanks for the reminder.”

He slips the ring from his finger, depositing it in the front pocket of his pants. Daisy petals fall to the floor with the movement. He drops the rotting stems. “It looks like these are a lost cause.”

The elevator creeps upward, so I turn to face him. “So are you, asshole.”

He turns to look at me. “Calm down, dude. The wife is too busy spending my money to care where I put my dick.”


I slap my palm against the red emergency button on the panel bringing the elevator to a sudden stop.

He stumbles forward. “What the fuck is your problem?”

I’m on him before he realizes what’s happening. My left hand still holds tightly to the bouquet as I fist the lapel of his cheap suit jacket with my right hand. In one fluid movement, I’ve backed him up to the wall.

“Did Lauren send you to follow me? She’s going to take the kids, isn’t she? I’m going to lose my boys over this.”

A wife? Kids? He is a lowlife through and through.

“Stay the hell away from Arietta.” I stare into his eyes. “Do not contact her again. Do not try and see her, or I will hunt you down.”

He nods his head so hard it looks like it’s about to fly off his pencil-thin neck. “I won’t. Please don’t hurt me. Jesus Christ, please, don’t hit me.”

I inch back when a male voice fills the elevator. “Is anyone in there? We’re going to get you out as soon as possible.”

I punch the red button again, sending the elevator up toward the floor where Arietta is waiting for this worthless piece of shit. “As soon as I step off, you’re headed back to the lobby. Once you’re there, get the hell away from here as fast as you can.”

Still nodding, he wipes away the sweat that has gathered over his upper lip. “You’ll never see me again. Arietta won’t either.”

I brace myself when the elevator doors slide open. I wanted to halt her date, but not like this. Now, I have to be the one to tell Arietta that the man she was about to spend the night with is a goddamn liar.