Our love binds us together.

“You’ll go to law school?” He questions as he rubs the scruff on his jaw.

I nod my head. “Don’t do that when we’re talking.”

“Do what?” He shoves a hand through his mussed-up hair.


He shrugs. “How can I stop if I have no idea what I’m doing?”

I crawl on top of him.

That lures a moan from deep within him. “I can go again, beautiful.”

I know that. This man can fuck me senseless, and within twenty minutes, we’re making love in the most tender and gentle way.

“You’re what women call devastatingly handsome,” I say before I kiss him.

“I’m what they call desperately in love,” he counters.

“With me,” I whisper.

“Forever,” he adds.

We sit in silence staring at each other until Dick, our Yorkshire Terrier, breaks that with a loud bark.

“A storm must be coming,” Dominick glides his hands on my thighs. “That gives me just enough time for a triple treat.”

I laugh at the name he bestowed on his pussy eating abilities.

I reach down to cup my hand over his cock. “It’s my turn.”

His tongue darts over his bottom lip. “I’m here for that.”

I slide down his body to take him in my mouth. The groan that escapes him flows through me as a clap of thunder fills the air.


I wake in the darkness with the sound of rain hitting the windows.

It hasn’t rained in weeks.

I’ve missed the sound and the smell of a summer storm, so I slip on my glasses and walk across the hardwood floor to crack open the window.

I look back to the bed to find it empty.

I’m not surprised. Judd and Judith’s daughter, Kinsley, was born just a few weeks ago. Since then, Judd’s been touching base with Dominick each night to talk about what’s going on at the office. I use that time to check in on Sinclair and Maren. Sinclair is interviewing potential roommates. Maren is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her son, Weber.

Moving closer to the bedroom door, I listen for Dominick’s voice, but I’m met with silence. I peek around the corner to see darkness in his den.

Just as I’m about to make my way down the hallway, the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard stops me in place.

I laugh aloud and rush to where my phone is sitting on the nightstand. I smile at the subject line.

Subject: Singing in the Rain

Dear Arietta,

Join me on the roof?

I can offer you a dance and a song for the price of a kiss.

I love you.


Your Dominick


I reply immediately with a light touch of my fingers over the screen of my phone.

Subject Re: Singing in the Rain

I’m on my way!

I love you too.

Arietta xoxo

I tug on a pair of lace panties before I slide one of Dominick’s T-shirts over my head. I race out of the penthouse to the door at the end of the corridor that leads to the roof.

Taking the steps quickly, I burst onto the roof to find him standing in a suit.

He hasn’t worn a suit for our dancing since the first night we did it at my apartment.

I stare at him and the strings of small white lights decorating the perimeter of the roof. Red and pink roses are everywhere. The petals of all the flowers are glistening from the rain shower.


He drops to one knee in what feels like slow motion.

My hands leap to cover my mouth.

“Beautiful, come here,” he beckons me closer with a curl of his index finger.

I do as asked and pad on my bare feet through a puddle. I reach for his hand. He takes it, holding it gently next to his cheek before he kisses my palm.

“You are what happens when good flourishes within a person.” His bottom lip trembles. “You’ve taught me so much about myself and others. I am honored to know you and humbled to be loved by you.”

I try desperately to hold my composure.

“I love you more than I can express, Arietta.” He bows his head. “Every day I wake up and question why I’m this lucky. What did I do to deserve this much happiness with the most remarkable women on earth?”

I want to tell him it’s because he’s just as remarkable. He’s good, and kind, and loving. He may be driven, but he’s done so much good with his wealth. He’s helped his family, and friends, and our community.

“Marry me, Arietta.” His free hand dives into the pocket of his suit jacket. He tugs out a small box. “Marry me when the day is right for you. I don’t care if it’s this fall or a year from now or a year after that. I need to be your husband. I want to grow old with you. Loving you forever will make my life complete, and I promise you that I will always cherish you for the woman you are.”