I’ve rehearsed my pitch to him thousands of times. I know word-for-word what I want to say to him.

“There’s a bar not far from here.” I gesture in the direction we’re about to head. “I’m eager to discuss what I have to offer.”

He stops mid-step and looks me straight in the eye. “I’m eager to discuss something too.”


He jabs a finger into my shoulder just hard enough to keep my attention focused on him. “Don’t mistake this for a business meeting, Mr. Calvetti. I’m here to talk about one thing and one thing only.”

What the fuck is going on?

Just as I’m about to ask that, he answers my unspoken question for me. “Let’s talk about my granddaughter.”

That’s so unexpected that I take a step back. I’ve never paid attention to his personal life because he never mentions it in interviews. I had no idea he had a child or children. I sure as fuck didn’t know he has a granddaughter.

“Your granddaughter?” I perk a brow, hoping I didn’t fuck and flee and leave her hanging.

If that bites me in the ass, so be it.

I’m not that man anymore.

He steps closer to me, keeping his icy blue eyes locked on my face. “That’s what I said. We need to talk about what it’s going to take to get you out of her life.”

Chapter 55


I glance in the direction of Dominick’s darkened office again.

It’s just past eleven, which means he’s technically over two hours late. He isn’t scheduled to sign anyone to a new contract today, so I don’t think he’s with his dad enjoying a celebratory breakfast.

The two calls I’ve made to him since last night have gone unanswered. So have the three emails and two text messages I sent.

I hear footsteps behind me, but I don’t need to turn around to know who is on the approach.

Mr. Corning has been to see me three times already today.

The first time he brought me a chocolate chip muffin because he said Bronwyn turned it down because of her morning sickness.

His second visit was all about Dominick. He wanted to know where he was. He had a goofy grin on his face while we talked. I’m not sure if Dominick has told his business partner about our relationship or not, but I won’t say anything.

“Arietta,” Judd calls from behind me. “Any word yet.”

“None.” I steal a glance at him over my shoulder.

The smile that was pasted on his mouth earlier is gone. It’s been replaced with concern. I see it in the way he keeps volleying his gaze between me and the empty chair behind Dominick’s desk.

“Did he say anything to you about his meetings today?”

Pointing at the screen of my laptop, I shake my head. “I have his schedule here. You can check for yourself.”

He moves to stand behind me. “He has a two p.m. with Mr. Morano. Do they typically meet here?”

I hear the hope in his voice.

“Yes. Almost always.”

I glance over my shoulder to find him checking his watch. “He’ll show up for that.”

He says it to reassure himself, but I need more.

“Do you think something might have happened to him?”

He drops a hand to my shoulder to give it a reassuring squeeze. “He’s good. For all we know, he’s out chasing Vern Greenwalt around town.”

I stare at him, unsure if I heard him correctly. “What?”

He moves to stand next to me. “A friend of a friend works as a doorman at the Bishop Hotel in Tribeca. He knows we’ve been after Vern Greenwalt for years. He spotted him at the hotel yesterday and gave me a heads-up. Dom’s eager to get a meeting with Vern, but I told him we’re going to let Bronwyn take her shot.”

That can’t be true.

We had an agreement. I didn’t tell him I was in Manhattan.

I push back from my desk. “I need to go, sir. Can I take my lunch early today?”

His gaze flicks over my face. “What’s wrong, Arietta?”

“I need to go see someone.” I run a shaky hand over my forehead. “Please, sir. I’ll be back.”

“Take your time,” he says softly. “Take all the time you need.”

This won’t take long.

My granddad broke another promise to me. I only have one thing I need to say to him. I hope that I can do that before Dominick discovers the secret I’ve been keeping.


I stand outside the hotel suite where my granddad is staying.

The woman working the reception desk at the lobby called him as soon as I requested his room number. He told her to send me right up.

I hate that he has a heads-up. It gives him a chance to weave another lie to feed me.

Before I have a chance to knock, he swings open the door.

“Arietta.” He stretches his arms out to me. “There she is.”

“Here I am,” I whisper as he takes me in for an embrace.