
An hour later, Arietta takes a seat at her desk.

She’s wearing a yellow and red striped dress. Her hair is braided today to the side. I have no idea if it’s supposed to be as messy as it is, but I fucking love it.

She turns in my direction to wiggle her fingers at me.

I smile as I watch her adjust her glasses on her nose.

“I appreciate the call,” I tell one of my clients as he drones on about a half a percent interest rate drop that’s going to cost him peanuts compared to the fortune he just made cashing in some bonds. “We can go over this at lunch tomorrow if you like.”

He agrees to it because he knows I’ll reassure him in person while I treat him to a premium steak alongside a glass of expensive red wine.

Once I end the call, I curve a finger luring Arietta in my direction.

She’s on her feet in an instant. Without a word from me she closes my office door behind her.

I watch in silence as she rounds my desk to deposit herself in my lap.

I roll back my chair to give her the room she needs.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” she says before planting a soft kiss on my jaw.

My cock instantly comes to life beneath her. “You’ll make it up to me.”

“Will I?” She bats her eyelashes. “How?”

I’d order her onto her knees now, but I have work to do.

“That happens in my bed.”

Her eyes skim my face. “Can I ask you something?”

I cup her cheek before I answer. “Anything.”

“Did you negotiate a deal with Kallista?” she asks.

“I did.”

“Would you say she’s a good lawyer?”

That’s an unexpected question, but I answer honestly. “No. She didn’t hold her ground. I would have given up some of my commission if pressed just to land the deal.”

Her eyes hone in on mine. “She didn’t read you right.”

I agree with a gentle nod of my head. “You’re right. She didn’t.”

“It takes a long time to learn that.” Her fingers dance over my shoulder. “I’m learning how to do that.”

I study her eyes. “You want to be a lawyer.”

She leans closer until her lips skim the curve of my ear. “One day.”

She’s more remarkable than I even imagined. Her goals are high as they should be. “You’ll do it.”

Planting a kiss on my neck, she nods. “I know I will.”

“I have something for you.” I point at the top drawer of my desk. “Reach in there and get it.”

Hesitation dictates her movements. She stops before she touches the drawer pull. “Is it something good?”

“Yes,” I reassure her with a kiss on her cheek.

She slowly pulls open the drawer to find a white envelope with her first name scribbled hastily across it.

Picking it up, she weighs it in her hands. “Did you amend our contract?”

I want to shred the fucking thing because I don’t need a piece of paper to tie me to her. My heart is doing that for me.

“Open it,” I direct her.

She does it slowly.

I watch her face intently as she slides out the check I wrote to her just moments before she arrived. Judd co-signed it making it official.

Her eyes scan the check. “What?”

“That’s your bonus for bringing Clarice on board,” I whisper.

Her gaze jumps to my face. A tear rolls down her cheek. “This is mine? I earned this?”

“Every penny of it.”

Her bottom lip trembles under the weight of what she’s feeling. “I can’t believe this. Thank you, Dominick. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

Based on the look in her eyes, I have a pretty solid idea. “You’re welcome.”

She seals the deal with a soft kiss on my mouth, leaving me wanting more the way she always does.

Chapter 54


I wanted Arietta in my bed tonight, but she promised her roommate she’d have dinner with her.

I can’t blame Sinclair.

There isn’t a soul on this earth that I’d rather spend time with than Arietta.

I glance across the restaurant to see my grandmother talking to an older gentleman. My family has always encouraged her to find a new love, but she’s told us repeatedly that my late grandfather took her heart with him when he died.

I couldn’t understand what she meant until now.

She tosses me a wave and a smile. I offer the same in return. That sets her in motion in a sprint toward me.

“Why are you happy?” she demands as soon as she’s next to the table I sat down at five minutes ago.

“What?” I laugh. “What kind of question is that?”

“The kind that I want an answer to.” She pats me on the cheek. “You’re smiling a lot.”

I can’t wipe the fucking smile off my face, so I motion for her to take a seat across from me. “What should I order for dinner?”

“I’ll bring you the lamb stew.”