“Don’t tell me this isn’t right!” He screams into the rain. “I know what I feel.”

I join him for the next line. “Tomorrow will be ours forever.”

He gazes down at me through the pelting rain. “Don’t tell me this is your favorite song, Arietta.”

I nod, unsure if I can answer that question because he’s making one of my dreams come true, and he doesn’t know it.

“It’s mine too,” he says.

I rest my head against his chest as he leads me into the chorus with his arms wrapped around me. His deep voice fills the air as he sings every word of the song with me.

Chapter 53


Last night was one for the record books.

I sang my heart out, and then I handed it over to Arietta Voss. It belongs to her whether she wants it or not.

I’m not in control of any of this. I don’t want to be. All I want is to feel this way forever.

I take a seat behind my desk and stare at her empty chair.

She’s at home.

I left her there an hour ago to go home to change and toss my pants in the trash. They’re ruined, but I don’t give a fuck. I’d throw all my clothes into the Hudson River for the chance to dance with her again.

A knock on the doorjamb of my office draws my gaze up.

“Judd,” I say his name even though I can tell he’s itching to talk. “Let me guess what you’re here for.”

He steps into my office but leaves the door open. I take that to mean we’re talking business, not personal.

“Did you catch that storm last night?” He glances at the window to his right. “It kept my boys up.”

“It kept me up too.”

It’s not a lie. I made love to Arietta after we warmed up in her shower. It was tender and slow. She fell asleep in my arms before I drifted off feeling like I’d found the treasure I’ve been searching a lifetime for.

“You and the woman you don’t fuck?”

“Me and Arietta.”

That snaps his head back toward me. “You’re shitting me.”

I lean back in my chair. “I danced in the rain with her last night. I spent the night at her apartment. I’ve been apart from her for an hour, and I miss her.”

He shakes his head. “Damn, Dominick.”

I can’t tell from his expression what he thinks. It doesn’t matter because this is it for me. I don’t care that she works for me. I don’t give a shit that she’s twelve years younger than I am.

“I didn’t see that coming.” He huffs out a laugh. “But it makes perfect sense.”

It does to me too, so I don’t ask him to clarify the remark.

“Are you in love with her?”

I glance past him to the corridor. I don’t want Arietta to hear those words coming from my mouth unless they’re directed at her and her alone.

“I need to discuss that with her first.”

“So that’s a solid yes.” He smiles. “I’m loving this. It’s about damn time you fell in love.”

It’s been thirty-four years.

It was well worth the wait.

“When’s the wedding?” He glances at his watch. “If it’s an outdoor ceremony, I can tell you the days of the year it’s least likely to rain, and you’ll want to avoid February. It’s the windiest month.”

I’m not there yet, but I can see it on the horizon.

“Let’s slow this down.” I push to my feet. “She’s young, and I’m in no hurry.”

It’s a lie, but I’m not going to push Arietta on anything.

“You and Arietta will go the distance,” he says matter-of-factly.

That’s what I want.

“You didn’t tell me what brought you here.”

He laughs. “Bronwyn’s knocked up. She’s going to marry Theon.”

I chuckle. “No shit?”

“No shit.” He shakes his head. “It looks like I’ll need a temp to replace her for a few months. You wouldn’t happen to want to share Arietta with me, would you?”

I know we’re talking business, but that’s not happening.

“You’ll find a temp.”

“I will,” he assures me with a brisk nod. “It’s all good, Dom. Things around here are changing, and I couldn’t be happier for all of us. Especially you.”

I thank him with a smile. “The future is looking good.”

“Better than you think.” He taps the corner of my desk. “I heard that Vernon Greenwalt is in town. It’s time for us to make our move.”

Signing a deal with him would be the icing on the cake.

“I’ll call him.”

“Bronwyn’s on it.” He laughs. “I told her we’d match what we gave Arietta for landing Clarice, so let’s let her take a swing at it.”

I have yet to hand Arietta the check for twenty-five thousand dollars for her integral part in getting Clarice on board.

As wary as I am, I agree to his terms. “I’ll leave it in Bronwyn’s hands.”

Until tomorrow, I don’t add.

Vernon Greenwalt is too important of a potential client for me not to give this my all.