The gentle touch that’s been there since he helped me onto my bed is gone in an instant.

The growl that escapes him flows through me as he sucks on my clit.

I whimper beneath him, wanting to feel everything but terrified that it’s all too much.

“Breathe,” he whispers into the dimly lit room. “Breathe and feel.”

My hands fall to his hair. I grip it tightly as my hips buck in rhythm to the strokes of his tongue.

He spears it into me, sending a shot of pleasure through me. I grind against his mouth, not caring what I look like, only caring about what I feel.

I sense the orgasm as it approaches. I arch my back, trying to get as close to him as I can. I ride his face. Holding him there as the pulses drag through me, each more powerful than the last.

Nothing escapes me but his name. “Dominick.”

I fall from the high in shaking tremors.

Before I can catch a breath, he flips me over, dragging me in place until I’m on my knees.

I try to retreat, embarrassed by the position. I’ve never been exposed in this way to any man before.

“Christ, you are so fucking beautiful,” he growls as his teeth catch the flesh of my ass. “You need to come again. Give that to me.”

I let go. I trust. I hand my vulnerability to him along with my heart as I inch my body back until I feel his mouth take possession of me again.


Twenty minutes later, I’m satiated and unable to move. I’ve wrapped myself around him on my bed. He’s still fully dressed, smelling like that expensive cologne he wears and me.

After I came a second time, he flipped me onto my back and crawled over me. He kissed me. It was deep and decadent and flavored with him and me.

I saw something flash in his eyes when he broke the kiss.

It might have been satisfaction, but it felt deeper than that.

I should offer to take him in my mouth. I don’t know to bring that up, so I rehearse what to say in my head as I glide my hand down his chest.

Just as I reach his belt, his hand grabs mine, stopping it. “You’re not blowing me tonight.”

My head pops up so I can look at him. “Why not?”

He kisses me softly. “Tonight was for you.”

The words are so tender that my heart aches.

He stares into my eyes in a way that touches my soul. “I’ve never known someone like you. Why didn’t I see that before? It’s taken me so long to see it.”

“You see it now,” I offer as I run my fingers over his bottom lip.

He catches one with his teeth. I watch as he kisses it almost immediately.

“I never want to hurt you, Arietta.”

“Then don’t,” I whisper in a plea I try to disguise as a lighthearted quip.

He hesitates before he responds. “I’ll do everything in my power not to.”

I rest my hand on his chest. “You’re a good man.”

I see the dip in the corner of his lips. “I want to be that.”

My gaze drops. I want him to be that too.

I’m startled by the sound of footsteps in the hallway. Dominick leisurely glances in that direction. “Your roommate must be home.”

A knock at my bedroom door confirms his assumption.

“Arietta?” Sinclair calls from the hallway. “Were you dancing naked in the living room again? You left your underwear there.”

Dominick cocks a brow in a silent query.

I laugh softly. “It happened once. I was home alone. I forgot to pick up my clothes.”

He moves to press a kiss to my mouth. “I want a private nude dance.”

I slap him playfully on his chest. “Only if you join me.”

“The Dick doesn’t dance naked.”

I let out a laugh. “He doesn’t? Does he dance at all?”

“Arietta!” Sinclair pounds on the door. “I know you’re awake. I can hear you moving around. Come out so I can tell you what a joke my date was.”

Dominick slides to his feet before he offers his hand to me. “Your roommate is persistent.”

I stand, glancing around for something to put on. “You have no idea.”

Reaching for my short silk robe, I gather it around me. Dominick takes over, tying it tightly at the waist.

“I’ll go first,” he announces. “That’ll give you a chance to see the look on her face.”

I playfully swat his chest. “You don’t want to hide in the closet until she falls asleep?”

“What fun is that?” He leans down. “Goodnight, Arietta.”

I reach up to capture another kiss, a soft one. “Goodnight, Dominick.”

He turns and swings open the door.

The phone in Sinclair’s hand crashes to the ground. “Oh, shit.”

Dominick gazes at the cracked screen. “Oh, shit is right.”

I laugh. “You remember Dominick, don’t you?”

Before Sinclair can reach her phone, Dominick is bending down to pick it up. He hands it to her carefully. “It’ll survive. It looks like all you need is a new screen. I know a place in Greenwich Village that will fix it tomorrow. Get my number from Arietta, and I’ll set that up for you.”