“Go home.” I point toward the building he calls home with his family. “Kiss your kids for me and tell Judith she’s a lucky woman.”

He sets off before he turns back to face me. “Marry this woman, Dom. I don’t know how the fuck she did it, but she made you see that the best parts of life are beyond the job.”

That hits me hard. I turn to walk away, realizing that he’s right. There is life beyond the job, and for the first time in my life, I can picture it.

Chapter 41


I slide a blanket over my bare legs. I’ve been fighting to stay awake for the past hour. I did a yoga workout, and just as I was about to take my contact lenses out, Dudley whined to go out. By the time we got back inside, I had no energy left, so I plopped down on the couch.

I promised Sinclair I’d wait up for her. She’s on a blind date set up by one of her college friends.

He wanted to take her to dinner, but she countered with an offer to meet for a drink at the bar down the street from our apartment.

I told her to send me a text message if she decides to bring him home.

She lightly punched me in the arm and reminded me that she doesn’t do one-night stands.

I look to where Dudley is passed out in the chair across from the couch. He’s called it a night. I’m tempted to as well, but since I promised Sinclair I’d wait up, I can take a nap here before she gets home. That way, I’ll still get my eight hours in before I have to get up and go to work.

The sound of fingernails on a chalkboard cut through my fantasy about napping.

Almost every night Dominick sends me an email with tasks he wants to be completed the next day. I was anticipating this.

I pick up my phone from the coffee table and open my email app.

His email sits atop a slew of emails from clients that I need to respond to first thing tomorrow.

I click open his email immediately when I read the subject line.

Subject: Contract Amendment


I’ve made an amendment to our contract.

It seems as though you missed an important detail.



Even though my stomach is knotting at the idea that he’s altered the contract I gave him, I smile at the XOXO at the bottom of the email.

I hit reply because I’m curious about the changes, and I know that I won’t be able to sleep until I find out what I overlooked.

Subject: Re: Contract Amendment


What amendment?

Arietta xoxo

I stare at my phone’s screen, waiting for his reply. When ten minutes pass, I close my eyes and lean my head back. At just that moment, I hear the sound of his incoming email.

Subject: Re: Re: Contract Amendment


As an addition to the last page, I want this added:

Paragraph 6(a): Arietta Voss will not date, kiss, or fuck another man for the duration of this contract.



My heart hammers inside my chest. Is he saying we’re exclusive? We haven’t even slept together, and he wants me all to himself.

If that’s true, it has to work both ways.

I hit reply.

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Contract Amendment


I’ll add it if you agree to the addition of this clause:

Paragraph 6(b): Dominick Calvetti will not date, kiss, or fuck another woman for the duration of this contract.

Arietta xoxo

I want him to say yes. I want this contract to last forever.

I hit send.

A knock at the apartment door sends my gaze in that direction. I can’t believe Sinclair forgot her keys again. I need to pin them to her sleeve the next time she leaves here.

Feeling bereft at the prospect of having to juggle this email exchange with Dominick with listening to my roommate tell me about her blind date, I sprint across the cool hardwood floors on my bare feet.

I debate grabbing a robe from my room, but Sinclair has seen me in less than a tank top and panties.

With my gaze still pinned to the screen of my phone, I swing open the door.

“Agreed,” Dominick spits out. “I agree to your amendment. Get me a goddamn pen.”

I stare at him. Dressed to kill in a dark blue suit and silk tie, he looks incredible.

“You’re here?” I question.

His gaze rakes me over. “A pen, Arietta. Give me a pen.”

I glance down at my body. I should run to find something to cover up, but I don’t. I step to the side and let him in.

He moves fast, dropping the file folder in his hand on the foyer table, along with his phone. “Tell me you’re alone.”

Speechless, I nod.

“Tell me you’re ready for this.” His hands clench at his sides. “Tell me I can touch you, Arietta. My hands are burning with need. Look at you. Jesus, just look at you.”