He groans out my name as the kiss breaks.

“I have been dying to do that for weeks,” he says before he kisses me again. “Goddamn weeks, Arietta.”

I’ve been waiting my entire life to be kissed like that.

“I want to fuck you,” he whispers. “So damn much.”

I take a measured breath, trying to will my heart to stop hammering inside my chest. “Me too.”

“I don’t want to screw this up,” he admits as he drags a hand through his hair. “You have my word this will not cost you your job.”

The words of a wanting man aren’t the bricks I need to build my career on. I have to end this date so that I can think. I need to think. “Kiss me goodnight, Dominick.”

With a hand on my back, he twirls me in place before he kisses me just like the kisses I’ve seen in the movies.

It steals my breath. It’s everything I’ve always wanted, but it comes at a price I’m not sure I’m willing to pay.

Chapter 38


The offer to take Arietta home on Friday night never left my lips. I let her go after I called for the driver to swing back around and pick her up.

Once I got his text message telling me he was waiting at the curb, I walked her down.

There wasn’t another kiss goodnight. Before I opened the car’s back passenger door, she thanked me for dinner with a light brush of her fingers over my chin.

It was enough for me.

I don’t know how the hell it was, but it satiated me enough that I got back upstairs and into a shower. I didn’t jerk off. I stood under the warm water and held my hands close to my chest until the water temperature cooled.

I spent much of the weekend working. I carved out a few hours yesterday to visit Bella and her family in Brooklyn.

I’m at the office now waiting for Arietta to arrive.

“You look happy,” Judd says from my open office door. “I take it you had a good weekend.”

“The best.”

He steps into my office. “That’s a bold statement. What’s her name?”

I ignore that because it’s none of his fucking business. “How’s Judith?”

“The classic Dominick ignore and defer move.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “I’ll let it go for now, but if you’re finally doing more than screwing a woman, I’d like to be the first to know.”

I chuckle. “You won’t be, and I asked about your beautiful wife.”

“She’s the sunshine to my rain.” He points at the window. “There’s a thirty percent chance we’re going to get a late day storm. That three thousand dollar suit you’re wearing won’t survive it. I hope you brought an umbrella.”

I gesture to the three umbrellas hanging from the coat rack in the corner of my office. “I’m covered.”

“You’re early,” he points out. “You beat Arietta today. That’s a rarity.”

“She’ll be here soon,” I say before I drop my gaze to a file folder in front of me.

He steps closer. “What’s that?”

I tap my finger to the front of the folder. “Our next conquest.”

Shaking his head, he steps back. “You’re chasing whoever that is on your own. I’m bowing out. I’m taking paternity leave.”

“Paternity leave?” I repeat.

“We added it to the standard employee contract eight months ago.” He darts a finger into the center of his chest. “You signed off on adding to my contract too.”

Leaning back in my chair, I narrow my eyes. “Let me guess. This all occurred right around the time you found out your wife was pregnant for the fourth time.”

He shrugs. “That’s pure coincidence.”

“Can I count on you hanging around until the day she gives birth?”

“No promises.” He holds up his hands. “If my wife needs me before our princess is born, you’re going to have to keep this place running on your own.”

I’ve done it before. I’ll do it again. This business has always been as much a part of me as my skin and bones are. The drive to make it bigger and better has swallowed everything else in my life.

Until now.

I glance past Judd as I see a mess of orange and yellow headed in my direction. The sunburst on the dress that carries over the shoulder may be designed to brighten someone’s day, but it’s the woman wearing it that has brought light into my life.

I push to stand. “Arietta is here.”

Judd glances over his shoulder. “I have to say, Dominick, she’s an original. I wasn’t sure of her when you promoted her, but I like her.”

So do I. I like her a lot.


I watch Arietta as I impatiently wait for her to finish her conversation with Judd. He brought up the impending birth of his daughter, and Arietta listened intently as he spoke about what it means to him that he’s on the cusp of being a girl-dad.