“What is this place?” she asked. No flowers grew, yet the bushes were seemingly placed by intelligent design, strategically creating a pathway to lead to a tree dripping with blue fruit.

“There’s nothing we need here,” he responded, his voice tight and his posture stiffer than before.

Not really an answer, but okay. She surveyed the tree. Pink bark, purple leaves. Those fist-size sapphire fruits. Her mouth watered, heart rate increasing. In the center of the trunk was a swirling symbol—one she recognized.

Chantel barely contained a squeal. Rhoswyn was inspired by Astaria. Any remaining doubts dissolved, a torrent of excitement ripping her next words from her. “This is an outpost.”

Her companion cursed and hurried on. “So? We need no goods.”

Cookie squirmed from his arms, her feet dying a thousand deaths as she backtracked to examine the area. Oh, yes. Definitely an outpost. The sapphire fruit acted as an edible key, but you couldn’t pluck one until you’d issued payment.

A muscle jumped beneath Kaysar’s eye as he joined her. “Did you recall another of Lulundria’s memories?”

She’d tell him about her job later. A fae who’d never encountered a computer might not be able to comprehend her meaning. For now, she shrugged away the question. “I’m entering the outpost, one way or another.” In Rhoswyn, outposts allowed players to recharge, eat—food!—pick up cool weapons and switch paths, if they so desired. Well, Cookie so desired, please and thank you. “A doormaker might be inside.”

“And I haven’t heard rumors about him?” He scoffed, then beckoned her closer. “Come. Soon we reach the waterfall. The entrance to the Dusklands, where rumors suggest the doormaker resides,” he explained.

“What’s the rush? I’m starved.” She ran her hands over the tree’s shockingly velvet-soft bark. “Why do you always get to make the calls, anyway? We’re a team. Technically, I’m paying you. You insisted on a price, and I’m delivering. Look at me, staying by your side. That makes you my employee. Guess what? At my company, we have a saying. ‘The boss is always right.’”

He made a little noise of annoyance. “I should have charged more.”

“Well, it’s too late now. We already agreed. The only remaining question is whether you’re going in with me or waiting out here.”

“Is that so?” His brows winged up, his smugness as irritating as it was sexy. “How do you enter?”

“You offer payment, and you receive a key.” In the game, you paid with blood rubies—also known as credit cards. Maybe Kaysar had packed some coins in the satchel? “Am I right? I’m right, aren’t I?”

He glowered at her.

Cookie dropped her gaze to the bag. He noticed. Of course he noticed. She dove for it anyway. He flittered, and she swiped nothing but air. Dang him.

He appeared a few feet away, still holding the bag and scowling. “You want to visit the outpost? Very well. We’ll visit the outpost.” He reached inside the bag and withdrew a diamond choker. “The worth of this far surpasses the cost of a key, yet we’ll receive no reimbursement. I hope you’re happy, Chantel.”

Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. She’d carried jewels?

Complain about the weight of the bag? Never again. Worth every ache. “That is...” What word would do that masterpiece of glittering stones justice? Oh, yes. “That is mine,” she said, making grabby hands. She’d never owned anything so fine. I’ll wear it every day, no matter which yoga pants I select. Heck, she might even decide to be cremated in the thing.

Kaysar regarded her with a curious look before lifting his arm, ensuring the magnificent stones remained just out of her reach. “Since you have indicated this is a price you are willing to pay...” He slapped the necklace against the symbol carved into the tree.

The diamonds vanished, a piece of fruit plopping to the ground.

“Tell me I have more necklaces in the bag,” she beseeched. Ugh. What was wrong with her? She’d never reacted to anything this way. But the necklace... She wanted it back.

The curious look returned. He watched her intently as he announced, “You have a collection of necklaces in the bag.”

“I do? Really?” In that case... She squealed with happiness and swooped down to pick up the fruit. As soon as they found a safe spot to rest, she’d examine every jewel and figure out why she had a sudden hard-on for gemstones.

“You do know you’ll have to part with more jewelry to pay for your meal, yes?” Kaysar asked, never removing his gaze from her.

Hmm. Maybe she’d settle for a light snack. Like the fruit she’d already paid for.

Her mouth watered again, her taste buds reawakening. In a daze, she dusted off the smooth flesh and bit into the soft center. Warm sweetness ran down her throat, reminding her of piña colada.

Her eyelids slid shut. The worst of her hunger pangs eased, sparking an urgency to gorge.